Melhores Jogos Play-to-Earn NFT | Jogos de Blockchain e Cripto

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Categoria: Simulação ociosa

'Loaded Lions: Mane City': simulação de magnata competitivo no Cronos Blockchain

'Loaded Lions: Mane City': simulação de magnata competitivo no Cronos Blockchain

No movimentado reino dos jogos baseados em blockchain, "Loaded Lions: Mane City" surge como uma simulação inovadora de magnata ocioso. Desenvolvido pela Stepico Games, este jogo baseado em navegador aproveita o poder do blockchain Cronos, oferecendo aos jogadores uma experiência cativante na construção e gerenciamento de cidades. Aqui, os jogadores mergulham num mundo virtual onde a criatividade e a estratégia se entrelaçam. Eles projetam e expandem as cidades dos seus sonhos, aproveitando as terras do jogo para gerar recursos valiosos como ouro e diamantes. Negócios como academias, bancos e lojas de discos são meticulosamente construídos, cada um contribuindo para o crescimento econômico da cidade. Um destaque importante é a vantagem competitiva incorporada na jogabilidade, levando os jogadores a dominar a tabela de classificação por meio de sua habilidade na geração de ouro. Alcançar classificações mais altas promete recompensas lucrativas, potencialmente trocáveis pelo token CRO de Cronos, promovendo um ambiente propício para jogabilidade estratégica e competição intensa. Os NFTs (Tokens Não Fungíveis) são ativos essenciais neste cenário digital. Eles concedem aos jogadores vantagens exclusivas, como aumento permanente na receita de ouro, expansão de terras e geração aprimorada de diamantes. Embora não seja obrigatório, possuir NFTs específicos acelera significativamente a progressão no jogo. O conceito de jogar para ganhar é uma tendência proeminente, onde os jogadores têm a oportunidade de garantir prêmios valiosos como ETH e cartas de jogador raras através de seus empreendimentos de jogo. Este modelo inovador alinha-se com o cenário em evolução dos jogos blockchain, oferecendo recompensas tangíveis pela habilidade e dedicação. A equipe de desenvolvimento, formada por profissionais experientes no desenvolvimento de jogos Web3, garante uma experiência imersiva e divertida aos jogadores. "Loaded Lions: Mane City" é o epítome da sinergia de jogos, unindo a simulação tradicional de magnata com a tecnologia de ponta de blockchain e NFTs. Simboliza o paradigma em evolução dos jogos, onde propriedade, competição e inovação se cruzam para criar um reino digital atraente para jogadores que procuram emoções estratégicas e recompensas potenciais.

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Todas as notícias de jogos
NYC Bathhouse Heats Pools with Bitcoin Mining Technology

NYC Bathhouse Heats Pools with Bitcoin Mining Technology

A Revolutionary Tale: How a NYC Bathhouse Turned bitcoin Mining into a Resource for Relaxation In the heart of New York City, a bathhouse is changing the game by incorporating an ingenious way to make the most out of bitcoin mining This isn't just about the digital gold rush; it's about transforming the byproduct of this modern-day quest into a source of tangible warmth and relaxation Imagine stepping into a pool warmed not by the usual electric heaters but by the very technology that's captivating the financial world This downtown oasis has done just that, marrying the realms of cryptocurrency and comfort in a move that's both smart and sustainable The Spark of Innovation The journey begins with a passion for bitcoin that dates back to 2012, harbored by the bathhouse's co-founder, Jason Goodman...

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Dubai Unveils Blockchain Platform to Advance Smart City Initiatives

Dubai Unveils Blockchain Platform to Advance Smart City Initiatives

Revolutionizing Supply Chains with Blockchain: Dubai Customs Leads the Way Imagine a world where every piece of data shared across local supply chains is secure, tamper-proof, and transferred with just a click Well, that's no longer a stuff of imagination Dubai Customs is turning this dream into a reality by introducing a blockchain solution aimed at transforming the local supply chain landscape The move is not just about embracing digital innovation; it's about leading a revolution that promises to save time, effort, and mountains of paperwork Why Blockchain, You Ask...

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S.BLOX: Sony Subsidiary's New Name and Broadened Crypto Exchange Services

S.BLOX: Sony Subsidiary's New Name and Broadened Crypto Exchange Services

The World of Digital Assets Just Got Bigger: Say Hello to S BLOX Welcome to a groundbreaking era where technology never stops amazing us, where every click opens up a new possibility, and where crypto has become the talk of the town But hey, let's pause for a second, because things are about to get even more exciting with the introduction of S BLOX, and trust me, you don't want to miss this What's the Big Deal with S...

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ApeCoin Enhances Web3 Games with Supra's Blockchain Data Service Integration

ApeCoin Enhances Web3 Games with Supra's Blockchain Data Service Integration

Revolutionizing Real-Time Data and Randomness on Blockchain with Supra In the constantly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, the demand for real-time data accessibility and integrity in outcomes has never been more critical Entering the stage to address these crucial needs is Supra, a frontrunner in providing top-tier data oracle and verifiable randomness solutions that are set to redefine how GameFi, DeFi, and various decentralized applications (dApps) operate Supra's Decentralised Oracle and Randomness Protocols Supra is making waves with its Decentralised Oracle Agreement (DORA) and decentralised verifiable randomness (dVRF), two innovative solutions poised to bolster the blockchain ecosystem These technologies are designed to ensure that GameFi, DeFi, and other dApps have access to real-time, trustworthy data and can generate fully transparent, unpredictable outcomes This breakthrough is not only a game-changer but also a trust-builder within the community...

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Ultra and Immutable Lead the Way in New Gaming Tech!

Ultra and Immutable Lead the Way in New Gaming Tech!

Hey everyone! Big news in gaming – Ultra has just opened its blockchain, letting anyone create cool digital assets and smart contracts without needing geek-level tech skills. And, there's more! Developers can now use advanced debugging tools and deploy smart contracts at low cost. Meanwhile, Immutable is stepping up its game with ZK-rollup technology, slashing fees and speeding up transactions, which is a total win for gamers. Plus, the partnership between Mon Protocol and Immutable is making waves, promising to push Web3 gaming to new heights. Together, they're not just changing the game; they're setting new standards for what gaming can be. Jump in and see how these innovations make gaming more exciting and accessible than ever!

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Chronoshot Launches with Cardano Integration on Popular Gaming Platform

Chronoshot Launches with Cardano Integration on Popular Gaming Platform

Exploring the Horizon: Cardano's Exciting Journey Towards Decentralization and Technological Integration The Cardano blockchain is navigating through an exhilarating phase of innovation and development, heralding a new era of decentralized governance while capturing the attention of significant investors Simultaneously, its foray into the competitive realm of gaming showcases its versatility and broadening appeal With the spotlight firmly on the upcoming monumental Chang upgrade and the introduction of Cardano Node 9 0 0, the blockchain platform is setting the stage for revolutionary changes...

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TON Joins 100 Protocols in Gamer-Friendly Crypto Wallet

TON Joins 100 Protocols in Gamer-Friendly Crypto Wallet

Exploring the ton-Based Economy Through telegram: A New Wave of Digital Commerce Welcome to the world of digital innovation, where the boundaries of commerce and communication blur, providing exciting opportunities for tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs alike The latest buzz The ton-based economy, with telegram at its center, is expanding rapidly, reshaping the way we think about digital transactions and online interaction For those diving in for the first time, you might wonder, what exactly is this ton-based economy It's a digital playground that operates using the telegram Open Network (ton), allowing users to engage in transactions and various other activities directly through the telegram app...

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Unlock New Realms: How Blockchain is Redefining Gaming for You!

Unlock New Realms: How Blockchain is Redefining Gaming for You!

Dive into the heart of gaming's latest revolution with "Unlocking the Future: Must-Know Facts for Modern Gamers." Explore how blockchain technology is transforming the gaming scene, making headlines with the innovative game "Forever Has Fallen." Understand the power behind partnerships like Aptos and Google Cloud, and how they're leveling up your gaming experience by tackling big issues like game speed and security. Discover how Sequence and Google Cloud are empowering developers to create more immersive worlds. Get the lowdown on play-to-earn with hits like "Gamer Gods Unchained" and "Kings of Fighters Arena," where your gaming skills pay off in real-world rewards. This article breaks down the complex world of blockchain gaming into easy-to-digest pieces, ensuring you're ahead in the game. Perfect for gamers looking to navigate the next level of interactive entertainment.

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Crypto Expert Predicts a $600 Milestone for Gamers

Crypto Expert Predicts a $600 Milestone for Gamers

The Resurgence of Solana: A Deep Dive into Its Potential and Market Dynamics In the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, the highs and lows can often feel like a rollercoaster ride for investors and enthusiasts alike One digital currency that has caught the eye of many in recent times is Solana (SOL), which despite experiencing a dip to a two-month low of $121, has sparked a conversation about its potential for a significant rebound This comes at a time when the crypto market as a whole has faced corrections, affecting several top coins Hope on the Horizon: Analysis Sheds Light on Potential Uptrend An optimistic forecast has emerged from the insights of a crypto analyst named Jelle, who has drawn attention to the potential for Solana to mirror the success it saw during the summer of 2021, famously dubbed “Solana Summer” Jelle’s analysis, shared across social media platforms, draws a parallel between Solana’s current market behavior and its performance two years ago...

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Debate Over Polkadot's Advertising Expenses Alleges Bias

Debate Over Polkadot's Advertising Expenses Alleges Bias

Exploring the Waves of Change and Debate in Polkadot’s Ecosystem The blockchain world never sleeps, and the bustling hub of Polkadot’s ecosystem is no exception Recently, a significant marketing expenditure to the tune of $37 million has ignited discussions, controversy, and a deeper dive into the underlying dynamics of project support, highlighting issues of inclusion and equitable treatment The Debate That Unfolded At the heart of this swirling vortex of debate is the concern over how funds are being allocated and spent within the Polkadot ecosystem A staggering $37 million spent on marketing initiatives has raised eyebrows and questions about financial prudence and strategic focus However, beneath the surface of budget allocations and expenditure reports lies a more nuanced issue—allegations of discrimination, particularly against Asian founders within the ecosystem...

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Understanding the Impact of Investor Emotions on Cryptocurrency Trends

Understanding the Impact of Investor Emotions on Cryptocurrency Trends

The Ripple Effect of Federal Reserve Statements on the crypto World In the ever-evolving narrative of financial markets, a compelling story has been the intertwining tale of traditional finance and cryptocurrencies With the digital currency realm cementing its place in the wider financial ecosystem, the echoes of decisions made by entities like the Federal Reserve are louder than ever within the cybernetic corridors of crypto Recently, statements from the Federal Reserve have sent waves through the crypto markets Jerome Powell, the chair of the Fed, along with Governor Michelle Bowman, highlighted a cautious approach towards reducing interest rates from their current peaks, hinting at the potential of increased rates if inflation remains unbridled This news led to a notable tremor in cryptocurrency valuations, showcasing the sector's sensitivity to macroeconomic policies...

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