Melhores Jogos Play-to-Earn NFT | Jogos de Blockchain e Cripto

Explore nossas análises de jogos Play-to-Earn, cripto e blockchain. Descubra as últimas novidades em P2E, Web3 e jogos NFT através de páginas repletas de insights!

Você pode ler análises de videogames, informações sobre P2E e criptografia, assistir a vídeos e acessar uma lista completa de jogos NFT. Esta lista inclui capturas de tela, trailers de jogos e guias de jogo Web3

Categoria: Jogos baseados em esportes

Battle Infinity: Unindo jogos de batalha Play-to-Earn e Metaverso

Battle Infinity: Unindo jogos de batalha Play-to-Earn e Metaverso

Battle Infinity é uma plataforma de jogos que reúne vários jogos de batalha do tipo "jogue para ganhar" no imersivo Metaverso chamado 'The Battle Arena'. Oferece um universo virtual onde os jogadores podem travar batalhas, socializar, explorar e participar de diversas atividades. O jogo principal, Battle Beasts Soccer, apresenta equipes de criaturas poderosas competindo em partidas 3v3, promovendo a seleção estratégica de personagens. Em Battle Beasts Soccer, as partidas são disputadas por equipes de três personagens, e participam no mínimo 6 jogadores (2 equipes de 3). As partidas podem ser vencidas durante o período do gol de ouro, onde se torna um confronto 1 a 1 entre três jogadores de cada equipe. O jogo gira em torno de táticas ofensivas e defensivas, incluindo drible, passe, chute de precisão, desarme, interceptação de passes e posicionamento. A plataforma possui sua criptomoeda nativa chamada $IBAT, que opera na rede Binance Smart Chain usando o protocolo BEP-20. $IBAT serve como um token utilitário versátil que concede acesso a vários recursos do ecossistema Battle Infinity, incluindo ativos e personagens. Ele foi projetado para preencher a lacuna entre os jogos convencionais e o reino Metaverso/Blockchain, tornando-o fácil de usar e eficiente, com um fornecimento máximo de 10 bilhões de tokens. A resposta da comunidade ao projecto tem sido positiva, com os membros elogiando o seu profissionalismo, a sua equipa experiente e o seu potencial de crescimento. No geral, Battle Infinity é uma plataforma de jogos dinâmica que oferece diversos jogos de batalha do tipo "jogue para ganhar" e os integra perfeitamente em um Metaverso, com foco em jogabilidade estratégica e uma criptomoeda nativa para facilitar o envolvimento do usuário.

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Todas as notícias de jogos
Gods Unchained: Beginners Guide 2024 and Beyond

Gods Unchained: Beginners Guide 2024 and Beyond

Gods Unchained is revolutionizing the digital trading card game landscape through its unique integration of blockchain technology, offering players true ownership of their in-game assets as NFTs. The game's 2024 roadmap, "Winds of Change," promises exciting developments, including a mobile release that allows players to engage in battles anytime, anywhere. New expansions are set to introduce fresh cards and mechanics, enriching the strategic depth of the game. Additionally, Mythic Variants offer collectors and players alike the chance to own exclusive digital collectibles. The roadmap also focuses on enhancing the player experience with a server logic re-write and a more rewarding progression system. The migration of chests to Layer 2 technology aims to streamline transactions, making them smoother and faster. With a strong community at its core, Gods Unchained is poised to continue its growth, shaping the future of play-to-earn and blockchain gaming.

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O que são nós blockchain?

O que são nós blockchain?

Os nós Blockchain são parte integrante do sistema de rede blockchain na Web3. Leia o que você precisa fazer para se tornar um operador de nó, como isso ajuda o sistema

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Brawlers Rebranding, cNFTs de Solana, Last Resort's Alpha, Yat Siu's AIP-297 e patrocínios DeGods NFT

Brawlers Rebranding, cNFTs de Solana, Last Resort's Alpha, Yat Siu's AIP-297 e patrocínios DeGods NFT

Bem-vindo à atualização de jogos de hoje! Neste artigo, mergulharemos nas últimas histórias sobre a reformulação da marca "Brawlers", os cNFTs de Solana por Magic Eden, o Public Alpha de Last Resort, a proposta AIP-297 NFT Vault de Yat Siu e os novos patrocinadores emocionantes de DeGods NFT. No mundo em rápida evolução dos jogos jogue para ganhar e da integração NFT, aqui está um resumo abrangente das cinco principais histórias que ganharam as manchetes nas notícias de jogos de ontem: Brawlers Rebrands for Mass Appeal: WAX Studios tomou uma decisão significativa de renomear seu jogo "Blockchain Brawlers" como "Brawlers" para ampliar seu apelo além da comunidade blockchain e NFT. Essa mudança inclui o lançamento do jogo na plataforma Epic Games, eliminando a necessidade dos jogadores de terem uma carteira WAX e criando uma automaticamente em segundo plano. Juntamente com promessas de maior estabilidade e melhorias na qualidade de vida, Brawlers está se preparando para uma experiência de jogo mais inclusiva. Magic Eden apresenta cNFTs em Solana: Magic Eden está sacudindo o cenário NFT ao apresentar os NFTs compactados (cNFTs) de Solana, fornecendo um ponto de entrada econômico no mundo NFT. Com taxas de cunhagem tão baixas quanto US$ 110 para até 1 milhão de NFTs, esta inovação desafia os altos custos de cunhagem do Ethereum. Além disso, os cNFTs oferecem maior velocidade e privacidade, embora potenciais preocupações de segurança devam ser consideradas pelos compradores. Public Alpha e Freemint Frenzy do Last Resort: Last Resort está lançando seu alfa público, apresentando inúmeras atividades e recompensas para sua crescente comunidade. A Mint Marathon, que acontecerá de 26 a 29 de setembro, oferecerá NFTs Freemint especiais, NFTs de personagens raros e um concurso “Zombie Outbreak” de US$ 1.000. Conquistas marcantes levarão a atualizações de kits NFT para todos os jogadores, adicionando profundidade a este evento tão aguardado. AIP-297 de Yat Siu propõe um cofre NFT voltado para a comunidade: Yat Siu, co-criador da Animoca Brands, está liderando o AIP-297, uma proposta de melhoria da ApeCoin que visa estabelecer um cofre NFT administrado pela comunidade dentro do ecossistema ApeCoin DAO. Esta "Irmã DAO" administraria um orçamento inicial de 750.000 tokens APE (aproximadamente US$ 825.000) para adquirir coleções NFT de alto nível, incluindo ativos de The Sandbox, Bored Ape Yacht Club e World of Women NFT. A proposta obteve uma taxa de aprovação significativa de 73,87% na votação comunitária em andamento, prometendo impulsionar a colaboração entre comunidades e expandir o ecossistema ApeCoin DAO. DeGods NFT ganha novos patrocinadores e inovações de avatar: DeGods NFT garantiu NiftyLeague e InfiniGods como novos patrocinadores para aprimorar a experiência de jogo de seus jogadores. A NiftyLeague deu um passo além ao criar um avatar no jogo de @frankdegods, que poderá ser jogado em seu próximo jogo de luta PvP, Nifty Smashers. InfiniGods está provocando desenvolvimentos emocionantes para DeGods e y00ts, gerando grande expectativa na comunidade para a próxima semana. Essas histórias fornecem uma visão fascinante da dinâmica indústria de jogos do tipo "jogue para ganhar", destacando abordagens e estratégias inovadoras que estão remodelando o cenário dos jogos. Com cada jogo e plataforma ultrapassando limites de uma forma única, é evidente que a indústria está numa trajetória ascendente, oferecendo oportunidades crescentes tanto para jogadores como para investidores.

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TTT: revolucionando os jogos de tiro com Gamefi, Metaverse e NFTs

TTT: revolucionando os jogos de tiro com Gamefi, Metaverse e NFTs

TTT, um jogo de tiro inovador, emergiu como uma força transformadora na indústria de jogos, preparada para redefinir o cenário dos jogos. Este jogo inovador é ideia de uma equipe de veteranos da indústria, incluindo um ex-produtor de Call of Duty Mobile, que são profundamente apaixonados por jogos de tiro e comprometidos em ultrapassar os limites dos jogos. Basicamente, o TTT oferece aos jogadores uma experiência de jogo multifacetada ambientada em um mundo virtual dinâmico, onde eles podem participar de confrontos emocionantes entre policiais e gangsters. As atividades dentro do TTTFreeCity virtual incluem assaltos a bancos, defesa de território, corridas de veículos em alta velocidade e tiroteios intensos. A equipe por trás do TTT conta com profissionais de renomados gigantes de jogos como NetEase, Tencent Games e EA, sob a liderança do ex-produtor de Call of Duty Mobile. Sua visão é criar um jogo envolvente e emocionante que capture a essência das aventuras no estilo GTA, ao mesmo tempo que abraça a inovação nos jogos. A TTT obteve apoio significativo de pesos pesados da indústria como XterioGames, Animoca Ventures, ChainHill Fund e Arcane Group, com seu lançamento altamente antecipado agendado na plataforma XterioGames. Os primeiros testes em 26 de agosto receberam feedback extremamente positivo, com os jogadores avaliando o jogo acima de 8 em 10, destacando o excepcional artesanato e dedicação da equipe de desenvolvimento. A jogabilidade do TTT é caracterizada por aventuras cheias de adrenalina que combinam combate veicular em alta velocidade com tiros de precisão. Os jogadores devem dominar a arte da direção e da pontaria para navegar com sucesso pela dinâmica paisagem virtual. Perseguições de carros, tiroteios épicos e corridas emocionantes são fundamentais para a experiência TTT, onde as habilidades táticas são essenciais para a vitória. Para manter os jogadores envolvidos, a TTT oferece itens consumíveis no jogo e caixas de gacha exclusivas, melhorando a experiência de jogo e proporcionando surpresas e recompensas. Além disso, a TTT permite a negociação direta na XterioGames, enriquecendo ainda mais o ambiente de jogo interativo e expandindo o ecossistema do jogo. Indo além da jogabilidade, a TTT abraça o futuro dos jogos por meio de NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). A introdução do NFT High Table Access Pass (HTAP), operando no blockchain Ethereum, promete utilidade incomparável dentro do ecossistema TTT. Os membros principais da High Table, que possuem este NFT, ganham benefícios exclusivos, incluindo cunhagem gratuita da coleção PFP, lançamentos aéreos de tokens, acesso prioritário a testes alfa, edição especial de NFTs, privilégios futuros em séries NFT, acesso a eventos offline e muito mais. TTT exemplifica como os NFTs podem melhorar significativamente a experiência de jogo, oferecendo utilidade e recompensas a jogadores dedicados. Olhando para o futuro, o TTT gerou uma expectativa considerável, mesmo na sua fase Pré-Alfa. Com a versão Alpha no horizonte e a recente introdução de uma frota de novos carros no TTTCity, os jogadores e a comunidade de jogadores aguardam ansiosamente o que o jogo completo irá oferecer. TTT é um farol de inovação e entusiasmo, preparado para revolucionar os jogos com sua jogabilidade inovadora, experiência e abordagem inovadora para NFTs. A comunidade de jogadores está pronta para embarcar em uma viagem inesquecível no mundo virtual da TTT.

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Immutable: Where Every Gamer Wins and Truly Owns!

Immutable: Where Every Gamer Wins and Truly Owns!

In the ever-evolving landscape of gaming, a new titan is making waves, promising a future where the digital realms we escape to not only entertain but empower and enrich us. Immutable, with its innovative approach to Web3 gaming, is not just a platform; it's a revolution in the gaming industry. Let's dive deep into the world of Immutable, where the future of gaming is not just being imagined but built. The Genesis of Immutable: A Web3 Pioneer: Imagine a world where every asset you earn or buy in your favorite game truly belongs to you, where you can trade, sell, or use these assets across different games and platforms. This is the vision Immutable is bringing to life. Leveraging the security and transparency of the Ethereum blockchain, Immutable provides a comprehensive solution for developers to create games where players have real ownership of their digital assets.A Secure Foundation: Built on EthereumEthereum, known for its robust security and widespread adoption, forms the backbone of Immutable's infrastructure. This choice ensures that games built on Immutable benefit from Ethereum's network effects and security features, making them resilient against attacks and fraud.Scalability Unleashed: Layer 2 SolutionsOne of the most significant barriers to blockchain gaming has been scalability. Ethereum's network, while secure, can be slow and expensive. Immutable's solution? zk-Rollups and Layer 2 scaling technologies, which allow for rapid, low-cost transactions without compromising on security. This technology is the cornerstone of Immutable X and Immutable zkEVM, enabling real-time gaming experiences that were previously unthinkable on the blockchain.The Immutable Ecosystem: More Than Just GamesImmutable is not just about individual games. It's an entire ecosystem designed to support developers and engage players.The Immutable Marketplace: A Universe of AssetsThe Immutable Marketplace is where the gaming experience extends beyond the game itself. Players can trade and sell their in-game assets, transforming their gaming achievements into real-world value. This marketplace is interconnected with various other platforms, ensuring liquidity and accessibility for all gamers.Enforceable Royalties: Protecting CreatorsIn a bold move against the industry trend, Immutable ensures that game developers can receive royalties from secondary sales, providing a sustainable revenue model that rewards creators for their innovation and hard work.Carbon-Neutral NFTs: Gaming with a ConscienceIn today's world, the environmental impact of digital technologies is a growing concern. Immutable addresses this head-on by ensuring that all NFTs on its platform are 100% carbon-neutral, demonstrating that high-tech gaming and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand.Building on Immutable: A Developer's DreamFor developers, Immutable offers an unparalleled suite of tools and services designed to make building Web3 games as effortless as possible.Seamless Integration: APIs and SDKsWith Immutable's APIs and SDKs, developers can focus on what they do best—creating engaging game experiences—without worrying about the complexities of blockchain technology. These tools are designed to be intuitive, allowing for quick integration and development.Expert Support: From Veterans of Web3 GamingDevelopers joining the Immutable platform gain access to a wealth of knowledge and experience from some of the industry's brightest minds. This community of experts provides invaluable insights and advice, ensuring that games built on Immutable are set up for success.The Immutable Portfolio: A New Era of GamingImmutable is home to a diverse range of games, each pushing the boundaries of what's possible in Web3 gaming.Gods Unchained: Strategy UnleashedGods Unchained is one of the flagship titles on Immutable, a strategic card game that rewards player skill and strategy. It's a testament to the platform's ability to host complex, engaging games that offer true ownership of in-game assets.Guild of Guardians: Adventures AwaitIn Guild of Guardians, players embark on epic adventures, earning and trading heroes and items as NFTs. This mobile RPG showcases Immutable's capacity to support games with rich narratives and deep gameplay mechanics.Illuvium: A Blockchain OdysseyIlluvium is an open-world RPG adventure game built on Immutable, featuring stunning visuals and immersive gameplay. It's a prime example of how blockchain technology can enhance traditional gaming experiences, adding layers of ownership and economy.The Immutable Vision: Empowering Gamers and DevelopersAt its core, Immutable is about empowerment. For gamers, it offers a future where their time and investment in games translate to real ownership and potential financial rewards. For developers, Immutable provides the tools and ecosystem to bring their creative visions to life without the traditional barriers of game development and publishing.Immutable zkEVM: The Next FrontierWith the introduction of Immutable zkEVM, the platform is set to redefine the standards of blockchain gaming. This technology promises even greater scalability, security, and ease of use, ensuring that Immutable remains at the cutting edge of Web3 gaming.Conclusion: The Future Is ImmutableAs we stand on the brink of a new era in gaming, Immutable is leading the charge, breaking down the walls between virtual economies and the real world. With its robust technology, supportive ecosystem, and growing portfolio of games, Immutable is not just a platform but a movement towards a more inclusive, empowering, and sustainable future in gaming.Join us in this journey into the heart of Web3 gaming, where every player is an owner, every developer is an innovator, and every game is a gateway to limitless possibilities. Welcome to the future. Welcome to Immutable.Your Ultimate Guide to Immutable: Every Question AnsweredHey there, fellow gamer and future Web3 enthusiast! If you've ever found yourself wondering about the ins and outs of Immutable, the revolutionary platform transforming the gaming world, you're in the right place. Let's dive into those burning questions with some heart-to-heart answers, and maybe even share a laugh or two along the way. Ready? Let's roll!What Exactly Is Immutable?Imagine walking into a vast, digital playground where every treasure you find, every castle you build, and every character you level up is truly, irrevocably yours. That's Immutable in a nutshell. It's not just a gaming platform; it's a whole new universe where your digital assets are as real as the smartphone in your hand. It's like that time I found a rare comic book at a garage sale, only to realize its value skyrocketed years later – except with Immutable, the treasures are in game form, and the value? Well, that's for you to discover and grow.How Does Immutable Work?If you've ever tried to explain the internet to your grandma, you know some things are complex under the hood but magical in action. Immutable is like that. At its core, it uses blockchain technology – Ethereum, to be exact – ensuring that every game item you earn or buy is secured as a unique, tradable asset, thanks to NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). It's like having a deed for every digital item, making it as unique as a fingerprint.Why Should I Care About Owning Digital Assets?Remember when you spent hours grinding for that legendary sword in your favorite RPG, only to lose access when you switched games? With Immutable, that's a thing of the past. Here, owning digital assets means they're yours to keep, trade, or sell across games and platforms. It's like turning your gaming prowess into a portfolio of precious digital collectibles.Can I Make Real Money on Immutable?Absolutely! Just like selling a vintage toy collection or trading sports cards, your digital assets on Immutable can be bought, sold, and traded. Think of it as an investment in your gaming skills and strategy. But, just like any market, values can fluctuate, so it's part investment, part adventure.How Do I Get Started with Immutable?Getting started is as easy as pie – and who doesn't love pie, right? First, you'll need a digital wallet to store your assets (think of it as a digital bank account). Then, dive into the Immutable universe by choosing a game that tickles your fancy. Before you know it, you'll be collecting, trading, and perhaps even making a bit of dough from your gaming exploits.What Games Are Available on Immutable?Oh, where to start? From strategic card games like "Gods Unchained" to epic adventures in "Guild of Guardians" and the vast open world of "Illuvium," there's a flavor for everyone. It's like a buffet of the most tantalizing dishes, each offering its own unique taste of the Web3 gaming world.Is Immutable Safe and Secure?As safe as a vault in Fort Knox! Built on the Ethereum blockchain, Immutable offers unparalleled security. Your assets are as secure as blockchain technology can make them, which, in today's digital age, is the gold standard. So, you can focus on conquering kingdoms and collecting rare items without losing sleep over security.What About the Environment? Isn't Blockchain Bad for It?You've hit on a hot topic! But here's the good news: Immutable is committed to being carbon-neutral. They've taken significant steps to minimize their environmental footprint, ensuring that your digital conquests don't cost the Earth. It's like driving a zero-emission car – you get all the fun without the environmental guilt.Can Developers Create Games on Immutable?Not only can they, but they're also encouraged to! Immutable offers a treasure trove of tools and resources for developers to create their own Web3 games. It's like being given the keys to a state-of-the-art kitchen and being told to whip up whatever dish you desire. The possibilities are endless, and the community is always hungry for more.What's This I Hear About Immutable and NFTs?NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are the backbone of Immutable's economy. Each in-game item, character, or asset you own is minted as an NFT, making it uniquely yours. It's like having a certificate of authenticity for every digital item, ensuring its rarity and value.How Does Immutable Benefit Gamers Like Me?In more ways than you might imagine! Beyond true ownership of assets, Immutable opens up new avenues for earning, trading, and even career opportunities in the gaming world. It's like joining a club where your passion for gaming can pay off in real, tangible ways.Are There Any Success Stories from Immutable?Plenty! From gamers who've turned their hobby into a lucrative side hustle by trading NFTs, to developers who've launched successful games on the platform, the stories are as diverse as they are inspiring. It's a testament to the vibrant and ever-growing Immutable community.What's the Future Look Like for Immutable?Brighter than a supernova! With advancements in blockchain technology, an expanding portfolio of games, and a growing community of gamers and developers, Immutable is poised to redefine the gaming landscape. The future is not just about playing games; it's about being part of a dynamic, digital economy.I'm Intrigued. How Can I Learn More?You're in luck! The Immutable website is your gateway to a wealth of information, from beginner's guides to deep dives into blockchain technology. And the community? It's always buzzing with activity, ready to welcome newcomers with open arms and a treasure trove of tips and tricks.Wrapping It Up: Why Immutable is Your Next Gaming DestinationThere you have it, friends – a whirlwind tour of Immutable and all the wonders it holds. Whether you're a casual gamer looking to dip your toes into Web3 waters, a seasoned veteran ready to take your gaming to the next level, or a developer eager to create the next big hit, Immutable is where your digital dreams can become reality. So, what are you waiting for? The future of gaming awaits, and it's looking Immutable.Immutable: Where Every Gamer Wins and Truly Owns!Web3 Game Reviews:Find all game reviews on our Games Overview pages, we call them our game listings pages. You can find 100s of games like this: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6, page 7, page 8. Choose your pick!Web3 Game News:Read the news. And do we have news for you? Check out these pages: news 1, news 2, news 3, news 4, news 5, news 6, news 7, news 8, news 9, news 10, news 11, news 12, news 13, news 14, news 15, news 16, news 17, news 18, news 19, and news 20

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Blockchain Metacade otimista

Blockchain Metacade otimista

A rápida lotação do estágio 3 da Metacade em sua pré-venda de criptografia atraiu a atenção generalizada, resultando em um investimento total de US$ 4,9 milhões. Os investidores que buscam as melhores oportunidades em 2023 voltaram seu foco para o Metacade, posicionando-o como um dos principais concorrentes por fornecer retornos impressionantes aos primeiros investidores.

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Bitcoin Halving Impact, Hut 8’s Struggles, BlastUP’s Success and More!

Bitcoin Halving Impact, Hut 8’s Struggles, BlastUP’s Success and More!

Hey, awesome gamers! Are you curious about Bitcoin mining, crypto projects, blockchain tech, and game trends? Our latest article covers all these exciting topics in detail. We explore how major Bitcoin miners like Bitfarms and Hut 8 are adapting to changes after the halving. We also dive into cool crypto projects like BlastUP, which helps startups grow faster and earn more. Plus, we look at new blockchain tech developments, such as India’s digital rupee, and how gaming companies like Riot Platforms are adjusting their operations. This article is packed with insights and fun facts, perfect for gamers who want to stay in the know. Don't miss out on this amazing content. Join the conversation, share with your friends, and let's explore this adventurous world together. Let's level up our knowledge and have a blast!

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Why Gamers Are Swarming to Bitcoin: Pump.Fun and Runestones' Role in the NFT and Memecoin Surge

Why Gamers Are Swarming to Bitcoin: Pump.Fun and Runestones' Role in the NFT and Memecoin Surge

Dive into the world of Bitcoin and gaming with Runestones and Pump.Fun, where NFTs and memecoins revolutionize how gamers interact with digital currencies. Firstly, Runestones introduces a unique collection of NFTs on the Bitcoin network, swiftly becoming a major player following their high-demand airdrop. Moreover, they’re set to distribute additional memecoins, enhancing the Bitcoin gaming landscape. On the other hand, Pump.Fun empowers gamers to easily create and trade their own memecoins, no tech skills needed. Furthermore, this platform ensures fair trading, preventing scams and fostering a secure environment. These innovations not only make digital currencies accessible but also add a layer of fun and profitability to gaming. Additionally, they open up new ways for gamers to engage with the financial aspects of cryptocurrencies. Explore these platforms and embrace the new wave of gaming and crypto integration!

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Your Gaming Guide: From Nine Chronicles to Twilight Fantasy!

Your Gaming Guide: From Nine Chronicles to Twilight Fantasy!

Hey there, gamers and RPG enthusiasts! Are you ready to dive into the latest updates from the world of Nine Chronicles M? The game developers at Planetarium Labs have been working tirelessly, and their recent balance update is something you don't want to miss. I remember when I first encountered updates like these in games; it always felt like a fresh start, a new challenge to conquer. So, let's explore what’s changed and how it's set to revamp your gaming experience. What’s New in the World of Runes? The Big Shift in Rune Dynamics. If you thought runes were just minor enhancements in Nine Chronicles M, think again! The recent update is a game-changer, especially with the massive stat growth based on rune enhancement. Remember when you would enhance a rune and feel just a slight bump in your stats? Well, now it’s like your runes have been hitting the gym hard! For instance, the Golden Leaf Rune at level 10 used to provide 347 ATK. Now, it’s a colossal 2714 ATK – almost a tenfold increase! And it's not just at the higher levels; even at level 1, you'll see a significant boost. Although, it's mainly the Golden Leaf Rune that's got this special treatment at level 1. But as you keep enhancing, all five rune types – Golden Leaf, Stun, Vampiric, Stamina, and Quick – get considerable buffs. It's like every level up is a mini celebration!Timing is Key: Prelude to Guild War RegistrationAnd for the guild masters out there, don’t forget about the Prelude to Guild War closing soon. If you’ve got a squad of at least five members, get your registration in before the deadline. It’s a great way to test out these new rune powers in Heimdall Arena Season 3. I always loved the camaraderie and strategy that came with guild wars in games – it's where legends are born!Mighty Action Heroes: Introducing Challenge MatchesNew Game Mode Alert: High Stakes, High RewardsSwitching gears to Mighty Action Heroes – they've just added a spicy new game mode called Challenge Matches. It’s a 1v1 battle mode where you can win Gems. But, there’s a twist – you need to pay an entry fee of 6 Gems. It’s like those intense poker games where you’ve got to pay to play, but the pot is oh-so-sweet.You can jump into these matches from the main lobby, but they're only available at specific times. It adds a sense of urgency and excitement, doesn’t it? Just like when you're waiting for that perfect moment to strike in a game.Language Expansion and InclusivityAnd talk about going global – the game now supports five new languages, including Brazilian Portuguese and Chinese Simplified. This move reminds me of how games can bridge cultural gaps and bring people together from all corners of the world.Citizen Conflict: A Futuristic Blockchain Game with a TwistThe Ethereal Ether Islands: A Climate Crisis SagaNow, let's talk about Citizen Conflict. Set on the Ether Islands, this game takes the consequences of a climate crisis to a whole new level. You've got three factions – Korpo, Hackhunters, and Midnight Crew – each battling for survival and supremacy. It’s a mix of hero shooter dynamics and a compelling dystopian narrative. The use of blockchain technology adds an innovative layer to the gameplay.Unique Characters and Tradable AssetsIn Citizen Conflict, you're not just playing a game; you’re engaging in a digital economy. The NFT characters represent playable heroes that you can also trade on marketplaces. It’s like having a rare collectible that you can show off in-game and also trade for real value. I always find it fascinating how games now have these parallel economies that can be quite lucrative.The Dual-Token EcosystemWith CCASH and the QORPO Token, Citizen Conflict introduces a unique economic model in the gaming world. It’s not just about playing; it's about investing and having a say in the game’s future. This dual-token system reminds me of how games are becoming more than just entertainment; they're evolving into platforms for investment and community building.Bigtime Leaderboard: The Thrill of CompetitionThe Intense Battle for SupremacyThe $BIGTIME Leaderboard's second round just concluded, and it was nothing short of epic. Morkai clinched the top spot, but the competition was fierce. It's these moments in gaming that remind me of the sheer thrill and adrenaline rush of competing against the best.The Auditing Saga: Fair Play and AccuracyIn the world of competitive gaming, fairness and accuracy are paramount. The audit process for the leaderboard ensured that every point was earned and every rank deserved. It’s like those moments in sports where every move is scrutinized for fairness – intense but necessary.Sky Mavis' Axie Homeland Beta: A New Era of Land ManagementLand Delegation Marketplace: A Strategic TwistAxie Homeland Beta is bringing a whole new dimension to land-based gameplay. Landlords can now create contracts for Stewards, setting reward splits and delegation periods. It’s like being a real estate mogul, but in a virtual, fantastical world. This feature enhances the strategic aspect of the game, making land management more than just a passive activity.NFT Axies and Crafting OverhaulBringing NFT Axies into 3D is a big leap. It adds depth to the gameplay, allowing players to maximize their land plot usage. And with the new crafting elements, the game adds layers of strategy to resource management. It’s like the game is evolving to match the creativity and strategic planning of its players.Epic League's Twilight Fantasy: A Journey of ImaginationBlending Memories with GameplayTwilight Fantasy is set to be a unique experience where your memories play a crucial role. It’s a blend of fairy tales and original creations, promising a journey that’s both personal and unforgettable. The casual shooting gameplay makes it accessible, yet the narrative depth adds a layer of intrigue.The EPIC LEAGUE EcosystemBeing part of the EPIC LEAGUE ecosystem, Twilight Fantasy is more than just a game; it's a part of a broader digital experience. With industry veterans at the helm, the game promises to be a standout in the gaming world.So, there you have it – a whirlwind tour of the latest in gaming. Whether you're a rune master in Nine Chronicles M, a high-stakes competitor in Mighty Action Heroes, a dystopian warrior in Citizen Conflict, a leaderboard champion in Bigtime, a strategic land manager in Axie Homeland, or an imaginative traveler in Twilight Fantasy, there’s something exciting happening in the gaming world for everyone. Game on!Can You Earn Crypto Playing Games? A Deep Dive into the World of Crypto GamingIntroduction to Crypto Gaming: More Than Just Fun and GamesRemember the days when playing video games was just a way to unwind and have fun? Well, times have changed, and now gaming can be more than just a leisure activity – it can be a source of income too, especially in the realm of cryptocurrency. Think of it as hitting two birds with one stone: enjoying your favorite pastime while potentially padding your wallet with digital currency. I personally find the idea exhilarating – it's like finding hidden treasure in your backyard!Your Gaming Guide: From Nine Chronicles to Twilight Fantasy! - Crypto GamesEarning Cryptocurrency Through Gaming: A Real PossibilityThe Basics of Crypto GamingSo, how does this work? In crypto gaming, you can earn cryptocurrencies native to the game's ecosystem. This is a fantastic opportunity for those interested in cryptocurrency. It's like when I first started collecting rewards points on my credit card – initially, it was just a bonus, but over time, those points added up to some seriously valuable rewards.Is Crypto Gaming Worth Your Time?The answer largely depends on your interests and investment in cryptocurrency. If you're already a crypto enthusiast, crypto gaming can be a delightful and profitable venture. However, it's not just a walk in the park. Play-to-earn games might require an initial investment, but the more time and effort you put into the game, the more you can potentially earn. It's akin to starting a new hobby; you invest a little at the beginning, but as you get better, the rewards can be substantial.Navigating the Risks of Crypto GamingUnderstanding the 5 Key RisksMarket Volatility: Just like the stock market, cryptocurrencies can be wildly unpredictable. This volatility affects in-game assets too.Scams and Fraud: Unfortunately, the digital world is rife with scams. Always be cautious and do your research.Complexity for Non-Tech-Savvy Users: If you're not tech-savvy, the learning curve can be steep, like trying to learn a new language.Lack of Scalability: Some blockchain games struggle with handling large numbers of transactions.Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: These are like digital loopholes that can be exploited, so be aware of them.Are Crypto Games Free?The good news is, many crypto games are free to play, and several offer play-to-earn features. Each game has its unique mechanics, but generally, you can earn currency or valuable tokens just by playing.Choosing the Best Game for IncomeIn 2024, there are numerous games where you can earn money, such as Winzo, Paytm First Games, and Ace2three. The key is to find one that aligns with your interests and skills.Getting Started with Crypto GamingThe Initial StepsDigital Wallet: You'll need one to store your digital earnings.Internet-Connected Device: Obviously, you can't play without this.Basic Blockchain Knowledge: Understanding the basics will help you navigate the gaming world more effectively.Think of it as setting up a new smartphone – it takes a bit of initial setup, but once you're up and running, the possibilities are endless.The Future Scope of Crypto GamingThe Blockchain Gaming Market was valued at USD 128.62 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach a staggering USD 614.91 billion by 2030. This growth is a clear indicator of the burgeoning interest and potential in this field.The Growing Gamer Demographic in CryptoIn 2020, nearly 41.9 million gamers owned crypto, with millennials making up the largest demographic. This trend suggests a growing intersection between gaming and digital currency enthusiasts.Crypto for Beginners: A Quick GuideChoose Your Cryptocurrency: Research and select one that suits your interests and investment strategy.Select a Cryptocurrency Exchange: This is where you'll buy and sell your digital currency.Explore Storage and Wallet Options: Keeping your digital assets secure is crucial.Decide on Your Investment: Start small and increase your investment as you gain more confidence.Manage Your Investments: Stay informed and make adjustments as needed.Understanding Crypto Gaming and Its MechanicsIn crypto gaming, players can earn NFTs or cryptocurrency through gameplay. These digital assets then become your property, much like winning a prize in a competition. In many cases, these in-game tokens can be exchanged for stablecoins on cryptocurrency exchanges.Conclusion: The Exciting Intersection of Gaming and CryptocurrencyCrypto gaming blends the excitement of gaming with the potential financial benefits of cryptocurrency. While it comes with its set of risks and challenges, for those willing to dive in, it represents an exciting and potentially lucrative frontier. Just like any investment or hobby, the key is to start slow, learn continuously, and, most importantly, have fun along the way!Crypto Game Reviews:Find all crypto game reviews on our Games Overview pages, we call them our game listings pages. You can find 100s of games like this: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6, page 7, page 8. Choose your pick!Crypto Game News:Read the crypto news. And do we have news for you? Check out these pages: news 1, news 2, news 3, news 4, news 5, news 6, news 7, news 8, news 9, news 10, news 11, news 12, news 13, news 14, news 15, news 16, news 17, news 18, news 19, and news 20.

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Gamefi oferece economia para novos jogadores

Gamefi oferece economia para novos jogadores

Muitas pessoas que fazem jogos estão pensando em adicionar uma nova economia aos jogos Web3. Ainda assim, é difícil ter uma noção da comunidade de jogos ou dos desenvolvedores de jogos em geral. Criadores e empresas como a Gamefi ainda estão investindo muito dinheiro em jogos Web3 e NFTs no jogo. Por outro lado, alguns desenvolvedores de videogames hesitam em usar a tecnologia Web3. Existem jogadores que não gostam de como os NFTs dificultam a entrada nos jogos. O uso da tecnologia blockchain em videogames, por outro lado, não pode ser interrompido. A maioria das pessoas na Geração Z quer tentar ganhar dinheiro através da Web3, o que mostra que mais e mais pessoas estão começando a perceber que os jogos em blockchain são mais do que apenas uma moda passageira. Em vez disso, estabelece as bases para um novo conjunto de jogos e oportunidades.

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