Melhores Jogos Play-to-Earn NFT | Jogos de Blockchain e Cripto

Explore nossas análises de jogos Play-to-Earn, cripto e blockchain. Descubra as últimas novidades em P2E, Web3 e jogos NFT através de páginas repletas de insights!

Você pode ler análises de videogames, informações sobre P2E e criptografia, assistir a vídeos e acessar uma lista completa de jogos NFT. Esta lista inclui capturas de tela, trailers de jogos e guias de jogo Web3

Gênero: Estilo Arcade Clássico

Ethlas: Ethlas Metaverso – Revisão do Jogo

Ethlas: Ethlas Metaverso – Revisão do Jogo

Ethlas é uma empresa de jogos web3 que cria jogos, infraestruturas de jogos e ferramentas para web3. A empresa web3 tem muito a oferecer à comunidade de jogos e os jogadores podem encontrar vários jogos emocionantes no Ethlas. Ethals Metaverse é um de seus muitos jogos. Assim que uma pessoa conecta sua carteira Metamask ao seu site. Ethlas apresenta jogos clássicos inspirados em arcade no navegador, como Candy Crush, Tower Builders e Tetris, com o objetivo de integrar indivíduos à criptomoeda. Para começar a jogar, os jogadores precisam de uma quantidade diária de 10 energia para jogar. Cada jogo tem seu próprio nível de dificuldade, que varia de fácil a médio. A tabela de classificação oferece recompensas para os jogadores na forma de recursos e GEMs pelos quais eles competem. GEMs são tokens de jogo para jogar jogos gratuitos; ao converter GEMs em XGEM, os jogadores F2P podem comprar Komo, o NFT jogável de Ethlas. XGEMs são tokens do jogo para transacionar e recompensar os jogadores. Um Komo custa 30.000 XGEM, de acordo com o whitepaper. Surpreendentemente, as propriedades do Komos podem ser melhoradas ao jogar esses jogos de arcade. Os jogadores podem adquirir experiência de Agilidade em Neon Runner, experiência de Inteligência em Cyberpunk 2048 e experiência de Destreza em The Moon. Komo Clash (um dos jogos do Ethlas): Para jogar, cada participante deve ter três Komos. Uma recomendação importante para os jogadores; use QuickSwap para converter seu MATIC em XGEM antes de comprar seu Komo. Komos pode ser usado em todos os modos de jogo, incluindo cooperativo, arena e campanha. No Co-op, o jogador trabalha com outros para derrotar uma sucessão de chefes e ganhar recompensas diárias. Já o modo Arena oferece premiações semanais aos melhores jogadores no placar. Por fim, a campanha apresenta uma série de missões que visam desvendar os mistérios de Komos. Os NFTs elementares têm a capacidade de se adaptar e se encaixar em qualquer Komo. Esses são complementos que fornecem a cada Komo habilidades passivas que os ajudam a vencer partidas. Esses elementais são encontrados nos chifres e caudas das criaturas. A reprodução do Komos é possível através de dois pais Komo. Além disso, eles podem adquirir características ou sofrer mutações de seus pais.

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Todas as notícias de jogos
Crypto Gaming Dynamics: Resurgences, NFT Heroes, and Strategic Moves

Crypto Gaming Dynamics: Resurgences, NFT Heroes, and Strategic Moves

The dynamic world of crypto and NFT gaming is witnessing a series of exciting developments that highlight innovation, resilience, and strategic moves within the industry. Pixelmon, initially criticized for its designs, made a remarkable comeback led by 20-year-old Martin Van Blerk. Despite facing skepticism and accusations of a 'rug pull,' Van Blerk's determination resulted in a 42% surge in daily trade volumes. Partnering with a game studio and emphasizing transparency, Pixelmon transformed into a thriving NFT collection, proving its resilience in the NFT universe. Square Enix, renowned for Final Fantasy, entered the blockchain gaming space with Symbiogenesis. Featuring Ethereum NFT heroes like "Egg" and "Starvation," these characters fetched high prices, with "Egg" selling for over $1,200. The game's unique approach, blending free-to-play, browser-based storytelling with NFT ownership for the final quest, intrigued the gaming community. The Sandbox collaborated with Warner Music Group and Biggie Smalls' estate to create "Breakin’ B.I.G.," a Metaverse experience exploring a digital Brooklyn inspired by the legendary rapper's life. This fusion of 90s arcade games, Biggie's music, and community-building tasks offers a nostalgic and innovative journey. Parallel, a sci-fi online trading card game, announced a $25,000 closed beta tournament featuring top TCG players. Notable participants include TrumpSC, RduLIVE, and Thijs, with live commentary on Twitch. This event underscores Parallel's commitment to recognizing excellence in the evolving world of online trading card games. Apeiron, blending card game, roguelike, and MMO elements, underwent significant updates, including a migration to Ronin, Play-to-Earn tokens, and expansion to platforms like Epic Games. Social quests, daily login rewards, and PvP gameplay enhance the overall gaming experience. Spielworks' acquisition of, a gamified social gaming platform, strengthens connections in the Wombat ecosystem. With over 1.5 million downloads,'s integration positions Spielworks as a comprehensive ecosystem for modern-day gamers. In this evolving landscape, each development, whether a game launch, strategic partnership, or industry acquisition, reshapes the crypto and NFT gaming sector, offering new opportunities and experiences for gamers and investors alike.

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Fusion of Sports, NFTs, and Metaverses: Revolutionizing Entertainment

Fusion of Sports, NFTs, and Metaverses: Revolutionizing Entertainment

In the dynamic realm of digital entertainment, the integration of NFTs, blockchain technology, and the metaverse heralds a new era for gamers and enthusiasts alike. Through a conversational journey, we explored how these innovations are reshaping the landscape of gaming, offering unprecedented ownership with NFTs, ensuring fairness and security via blockchain, and expanding our horizons into the boundless possibilities of the metaverse. From the thrill of owning unique in-game items to the democratic, decentralized future of gaming communities and the immersive experiences within virtual worlds, these advancements promise a future where gaming is not just a pastime but a rich, interactive life experience. As we stand at the forefront of this digital revolution, our collective passion for gaming, exploration, and community is the driving force behind these exciting changes. Together, we're not just embracing the future of gaming; we're actively shaping it, stepping into the role of pioneers in a world brimming with potential.

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Explain MAVIA Token Dip: Investors, Airdrop recipients capitalizing

Explain MAVIA Token Dip: Investors, Airdrop recipients capitalizing

Dive into the captivating saga of 'Heroes of Mavia' and the MAVIA token, where the crypto-gaming realm intertwines with innovation and volatility. As MAVIA soared to an all-time high, reaching $10.59, its subsequent 26% plunge within 48 hours sent shockwaves through the crypto community. Heroes of Mavia, a base-building strategy game akin to Clash of Clans, boasts over 2 million downloads and 278,000 daily active users, creating a vibrant ecosystem for MAVIA's integration. Skrice Studios' visionary roadmap promises crypto elements and MAVIA staking rewards, amplifying the game's allure. The recent dip in MAVIA, possibly fueled by investor behavior, contrasts its remarkable 338% surge since debut. Amidst the dynamic landscape, Heroes of Mavia's airdrop engaged 100,000 players and NFT landowners, solidifying its impact on the broader gaming token market. As the game thrives, the MAVIA token stands resilient, shaping the future of crypto gaming with each strategic move.

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Oxya Origin Universe: Gamers Shape the World and Own the Future

Oxya Origin Universe: Gamers Shape the World and Own the Future

The article delves into the innovative gaming ecosystem of Oxya Origin, a platform set to revolutionize the gaming industry by integrating blockchain technology, offering a player-owned economy, and fostering a dynamic, community-driven environment. Central to its ethos, Oxya Origin features strategic gameplay, diverse game modes, and a rich, culturally-significant universe that engages players in a narrative that spans millennia. The introduction of "Road to Genesis," a third-person shooter, and collaboration with Ubisoft on a free-to-play game, underscores the platform's commitment to cutting-edge technology and accessible, immersive gaming experiences. The article further explores the economic model underpinning Oxya Origin, highlighting the Vault mechanism for token sustainability, detailed token utilities like asset minting and exclusive content access, and strategic token allocation for ecosystem growth. Future developments promise the introduction of new asset collections and game modes, ensuring the platform's continuous evolution and the enrichment of its gaming universe.

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How Helika, Mika, and A16z Are Revolutionizing Gaming in 2024

How Helika, Mika, and A16z Are Revolutionizing Gaming in 2024

In this article, we dive into how the gaming world is getting a massive upgrade thanks to big moves by Helika, Mika Games, and A16z. Helika's dropping $50 million to boost blockchain gaming, making way for games that are not just fun but smart investments too. Mika Games, led by a gaming pro, is investing $50 million in mobile games that promise to keep us hooked. And A16z? They're launching a $75 million accelerator to find and fund the next big names in gaming, making sure fresh, innovative games hit our screens. From AI-driven tools to support for mobile and blockchain games, these initiatives are setting the stage for a future where gaming is more exciting, diverse, and immersive. Get ready to see how these big bets on gaming tech are changing the game for players and creators alike.

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Explore New Dimensions: Inside Lattice's Redstone Chain and Planet Hares' Epic Gaming Events

Explore New Dimensions: Inside Lattice's Redstone Chain and Planet Hares' Epic Gaming Events

Dive into the future of gaming with Lattice's Redstone Chain Developer Preview and the thrilling Planet Hares Alpha Testing Event. As May 1st approaches, Lattice is gearing up for its mainnet launch by allowing developers to test and showcase their games on the Redstone Chain. Among these, Sky Strife and This Cursed Machine stand out as games to watch. Additionally, Planet Hares offers an exhilarating metaverse experience with its battle royale event, where players can earn exclusive rewards like the HareQuest Pass NFT. Both events promise to engage gamers deeply, fostering a community around new, interactive gaming technologies. Join the adventure and be part of the gaming revolution that's redefining what it means to play and connect.

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Os 5 principais sites de notícias criptográficas de 2024 para jogadores

Os 5 principais sites de notícias criptográficas de 2024 para jogadores

Em 2024, manter-se informado sobre os desenvolvimentos na intersecção entre jogos e criptomoedas é essencial para os jogadores que procuram compreender como estas duas indústrias estão interligadas. Este artigo fornece um resumo abrangente dos melhores sites de notícias sobre jogos criptográficos para jogadores em 2024, oferecendo insights sobre tendências, tópicos, nomes e títulos. CoinDesk: CoinDesk é uma plataforma proeminente de notícias sobre criptomoedas que cobre uma ampla gama de tópicos, incluindo notícias sobre jogos. Ele fornece informações abrangentes sobre a indústria de jogos criptográficos, incluindo seções dedicadas a jogos blockchain e tokens não fungíveis (NFTs). Os jogadores podem se manter atualizados sobre os últimos lançamentos de tokens de jogos, ler análises de jogos blockchain e obter insights sobre o cenário em evolução que está moldando o futuro dos jogos e das criptomoedas. Cointelegraph: Cointelegraph é um site de notícias sobre criptomoedas bem estabelecido, conhecido por sua cobertura detalhada das indústrias de blockchain e criptomoedas. A plataforma apresenta uma seção de jogos com artigos, entrevistas e análises que exploram a intrincada relação entre jogos e criptomoedas. Os tópicos incluem mundos virtuais baseados em blockchain, jogos "jogue para ganhar" e mercados NFT, oferecendo aos jogadores informações valiosas sobre a ampla gama de jogos habilitados por criptomoedas. CryptoSlate: CryptoSlate é um site popular de notícias sobre criptomoedas que atende jogadores interessados no espaço de criptomoedas. Seus artigos sobre jogos abrangem vários assuntos, incluindo plataformas de jogos descentralizadas, infraestrutura blockchain para jogos e a utilização de criptomoedas em ecossistemas de jogos. Os jogadores podem se beneficiar das análises aprofundadas e dos guias informativos do CryptoSlate, tornando-o um excelente recurso para aqueles que trabalham em projetos de jogos relacionados à criptografia. é uma plataforma dedicada para jogadores intrigados com modelos de jogar para ganhar que incorporam criptomoedas. O site fornece notícias, análises e guias focados em jogos blockchain e estratégias para ganhar dinheiro na indústria de jogos. Os jogadores podem descobrir novos jogos blockchain e obter insights sobre o cenário em constante evolução dos jogos baseados em criptografia. Decrypt: Decrypt é uma plataforma de notícias criptográficas fácil de usar, conhecida por apresentar informações de uma maneira facilmente compreensível. Isso o torna a escolha ideal para jogadores que desejam aprender sobre criptomoedas. Os artigos envolventes e o conteúdo educacional da Decrypt abrangem uma ampla gama de tópicos relacionados a jogos, incluindo jogos blockchain, experiências de realidade virtual (VR) e o surgimento de criptomoedas adaptadas para fins de jogos. Os jogadores podem mergulhar no funcionamento dos modelos play-to-earn e explorar projetos intrigantes de jogos criptográficos. Conclusão: Para jogadores interessados em mergulhar no mundo das criptomoedas, esses cinco sites – CoinDesk, Cointelegraph, CryptoSlate, Decrypt e – oferecem ferramentas, informações e análises valiosas. Ao aproveitar essas fontes confiáveis, os jogadores podem se manter atualizados sobre as últimas tendências, inovações e oportunidades que surgem na encruzilhada dos jogos e das criptomoedas. Este conhecimento pode melhorar suas experiências de jogo e potencialmente aumentar seus ganhos na esfera dos jogos criptográficos, tornando-o um recurso essencial para os jogadores em 2024.

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Next-Level Play: How Readygg and ChronoForge Big Funding Fuels Gaming's Future

Next-Level Play: How Readygg and ChronoForge Big Funding Fuels Gaming's Future

In the gaming universe, a revolution is underway, sparked by Readygg and ChronoForge, with a combined force of $7M in fresh funding. Imagine a world where gaming does more than just entertain; it rewards, empowers, and offers true ownership of digital assets, thanks to the magic of web3 and blockchain technology. With gaming legend Shawn Layden navigating Readygg's journey into the heart of this new frontier, the promise of a community-centric gaming ecosystem is closer than ever. Meanwhile, ChronoForge is crafting a narrative-rich action RPG where your choices ripple through the game's universe, backed by a team of industry veterans. This isn't just gaming as we know it; it's a leap into a future where gamers reign supreme, their prowess and dedication unlocking real-world value. Welcome to the dawn of ownership gaming, where every quest and every conquest opens doors to endless possibilities.

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Japanese Studio Cocone Launches AlterEgo City on iOS and Android

Japanese Studio Cocone Launches AlterEgo City on iOS and Android

Japanese studio Cocone, renowned for pioneering in digital avatar and fashion creation, has launched AlterEgo City, a mobile game blending art, fashion, and music, now available on iOS and Android platforms. Founded in 2008, Cocone has expanded globally, reaching over 140 million downloads across its diverse game portfolio. AlterEgo City introduces players to Centennial, a vibrant digital world where they can customize avatars, design personal living spaces, and even produce original music. The game emphasizes self-expression and social interaction, allowing users to share their creations and connect with others. As Cocone's first major release in the US market, AlterEgo City represents a significant step in the company's global expansion, showcasing its commitment to innovative digital experiences. With endless customization options, AlterEgo City invites players to explore their creativity in a rich, user-driven social environment, setting a new benchmark in immersive entertainment.

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What Gamers Need to Know: $MOCA Tokens, ZTX Blockchain Innovation, and SuiPlay0x1 Capabilities

What Gamers Need to Know: $MOCA Tokens, ZTX Blockchain Innovation, and SuiPlay0x1 Capabilities

Dive into the world of gaming innovation with our latest coverage on $MOCA Tokenomics, ZTX Blockchain Ecosystem, and the SuiPlay0x1 Device. Discover how $MOCA is setting a new standard in community engagement and governance through its strategic token distribution. Additionally, learn about ZTX's leap into blockchain with the Arbitrum Orbit technology, designed to enhance mobile gaming experiences on a large scale. Moreover, get a first look at the SuiPlay0x1, the upcoming handheld device that merges traditional gaming with blockchain capabilities, set for release in 2025. This device promises to support both crypto and classic PC games, offering a flexible gaming adventure. These developments are not just enhancing player interactions but are also shaping the future of gaming economics. For gamers looking to stay ahead of the curve, this article offers essential insights into the next big trends in the gaming industry.

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How Bitcoin ETFs are Leveling Up Your Gaming Finances!

How Bitcoin ETFs are Leveling Up Your Gaming Finances!

Gear up, gamers! Bitcoin ETFs have entered the gaming arena, reshaping financial strategies for players aged 18-25. Discover the impact on gaming portfolios and how these assets are leveling up your in-game and real-world achievements. Dive into the BTC boom now. Bitcoin ETFs have officially joined the gaming quest, and the impact is epic! For players aged 18-25, this is not just about financial strategy; it's about leveling up your in-game adventures and real-world achievements.Imagine having the power to enhance your gaming gear, unlock exclusive content, or even join gaming communities with the financial gains from Bitcoin ETFs. It's not just an investment; it's a game-changer for your gaming lifestyle.We're diving deep into the BTC boom, exploring how these assets are reshaping the gaming industry. From powering up your portfolio to navigating the intricate realms of cryptocurrency, we've got you covered. Get ready for financial quests that align with your gaming ambitions.Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting your gaming journey, understanding the impact of Bitcoin ETFs on your finances is crucial. We'll break down the complexities, share insights from the gaming community, and guide you through this new level of financial gameplay.Stay ahead in the gaming world and the crypto space. Don't miss out on the latest strategies, tips, and real-life stories from gamers who have successfully merged their passion for gaming with smart financial moves. Level up your gaming finances and embark on a thrilling adventure with Bitcoin ETFs!

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Play To Earn Games: Melhor Lista de Jogos Blockchain para NFTs e Cripto

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