Epic Web3 Updates: Only1, Othentic, Xterio and More Shake Things Up!

Epic Web3 Updates: Only1, Othentic, Xterio and More Shake Things Up!

Play To Earn Games | 21 May 2024 06:26 UTC

Catch the latest buzz in Web3! Only1, Othentic, Xterio, Xuirin Finance, and Mythical Games are shaking things up with blockchain tech and decentralized apps!

Quick Recap: The Latest Buzz in Web3 World

Key Highlights

  • This is huge, guys! Only1 raises $5 million to challenge OnlyFans with a Solana-based platform.
  • Othentic secures $4 million to simplify dApp development with its Web3 orchestration layer.
  • Xterio teams up with BNB Chain to expand Web3 gaming.
  • Xuirin Finance completes a successful presale, selling out all tokens.
  • Mythical Games transitions to Polkadot for better scalability and innovation.

Only1's Big Move

Guess what? Only1 just scored $5 million! They're ready to shake up the adult content world with a Solana-based OnlyFans alternative. This means creators get zero fees on tips and subs. Plus, they’ll earn from secondary sales too. Stay tuned for more on this game-changing platform!

Othentic's Vision

You won’t believe this. Othentic nailed $4 million in funding! Their goal? Simplify dApp development. They’re making it super easy for developers with their Web3 orchestration layer. This is going to foster a ton of innovation in the Web3 space.

Xterio's Expansion

Xterio has teamed up with BNB Chain, and this is huge for Web3 gaming! By using BNB as a gas token, they’re set to reach a massive audience. Get ready for some amazing, AI-driven gaming experiences!

Xuirin Finance's Success

Xuirin Finance just smashed its presale! They sold out all their tokens, showing massive investor confidence. Their vision is to blend traditional finance with blockchain. This is a major step towards a more inclusive financial ecosystem.

Mythical Games' Strategic Shift

Check this out! Mythical Games is moving from Ethereum to Polkadot. Why? Better scalability and interoperability for their Mythos gaming ecosystem. This means players get to truly own their in-game assets. This is next-level gaming innovation!

Let's dive in deeper!

What’s Latest in Web3 World?

What’s up, everyone? The Web3 world is buzzing with some epic updates! From new funding rounds to strategic partnerships, there's so much happening that's set to change the game. Let’s break it down.

Only1 Raises $5 Million: A New Solana-Based OnlyFans Alternative

Guess what? Only1 just scored a whopping $5 million to shake up the adult content scene with a new Solana-based platform! This is huge, guys! Only1 is all set to challenge the big players like OnlyFans, offering creators a way better deal with zero fees on tips and subs. It’s crazy how much creators can earn now! Plus, with features like permanent memberships, creators can even get royalties from secondary sales. Only1 is on a mission to make the content world fairer and more transparent. Stay tuned, because this is going to be epic!

Only1’s Game-Changing Features

You won’t believe this, but Only1 introduces some seriously cool features. Permanent memberships mean creators can earn royalties from secondary market transactions. And by leveraging blockchain technology, Only1 ensures a fairer and more transparent ecosystem for all content creators. This is next-level stuff!

Othentic Secures $4 Million: Revolutionizing Web3 dApp Development

Here’s the kicker: Othentic just nailed $4 million in seed funding! This Web3 orchestration and abstraction layer is set to make dApp development a breeze. Led by Finality and Breyer Capital, and with big names like Coinbase Ventures on board, Othentic is ready to roll.

Othentic’s Vision for Simplified dApp Development

Othentic is all about simplifying the complex world of dApps. They’re providing developers with the tools to deploy custom computational services over trustless execution environments. This means more innovation and a smoother development process. It's crazy how much easier they’re making it to create awesome dApps.

Xterio Teams Up with BNB Chain: The Future of Web3 Gaming

Guess what? Xterio has teamed up with BNB Chain to expand their Web3 gaming ecosystem. By using BNB as a gas token and leveraging BNB Chain’s infrastructure, Xterio is gearing up to reach a massive audience. This partnership is set to deliver some next-level gaming experiences.

How Xterio Plans to Use BNB Chain

Xterio is diving into AI and digital ownership in gaming. This collaboration with BNB Chain means they’ll have access to a large user base and top-notch technical solutions. Get ready for some innovative and immersive gaming experiences!

Xuirin Finance Presale Success: Building a Web3 Financial Ecosystem

You won’t believe this! Xuirin Finance just smashed its presale stage 1, selling out all available tokens. This Web3 financial ecosystem project is drawing massive investor interest and community support. With their vision of integrating traditional finance with blockchain, Xuirin Finance is on fire!

Xuirin Finance’s Ambitious Plans

With a fixed supply of 1 billion tokens, and 45% sold in presale, Xuirin is all set to disrupt traditional finance. They’re planning to allocate tokens for team incentives, marketing, partnerships, and ecosystem development. This is going to be a game-changer!

Mythical Games Moves to Polkadot: Innovating Web3 Gaming

And finally, check this out: Mythical Games is making a bold move from Ethereum to Polkadot! With concerns over Ethereum’s scalability, they’re switching to Polkadot to support their ambitious Mythos gaming ecosystem. This is a strategic move to revolutionize Web3 gaming.

Why Mythical Games Chose Polkadot

By leveraging Polkadot’s interoperability and scalability, Mythical Games is creating a seamless and interconnected gaming universe. Players will truly own their in-game assets, bridging the gap between blockchain and traditional gaming. This is next-level innovation!


As the Web3 landscape evolves, these developments highlight the incredible potential of blockchain technology. With companies like Only1, Othentic, Xterio, Xuirin Finance, and Mythical Games leading the charge, we’re witnessing the dawn of a new era. People are gaining more control over their digital experiences and financial transactions. Stay tuned, because the future of Web3 is looking brighter than ever!

Catch the latest buzz in Web3! Only1, Othentic, Xterio, Xuirin Finance, and Mythical Games are shaking things up with blockchain tech and decentralized apps!
Catch the latest buzz in Web3! Only1, Othentic, Xterio, Xuirin Finance, and Mythical Games are shaking things up with blockchain tech and decentralized apps!

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