Fund Launched to Track Bitcoin Staking Layer 1 Core Token Performance

Fund Launched to Track Bitcoin Staking Layer 1 Core Token Performance

Play To Earn Games | 28 Jun 2024 14:42 UTC

An Innovative Leap in Blockchain Finance: The Launch of CORE ETP

The financial and crypto landscape is once again abuzz with a groundbreaking development that promises to bridge the gap between traditional investment mechanisms and the burgeoning world of decentralized finance. This time, the spotlight is on the CORE token, a native currency of the Bitcoin layer-1 blockchain known as Core, which is making its way to the Sweden's Spotlight Stock Exchange in the form of an Exchange-Traded Product (ETP).

This monumental step, spearheaded by the Toronto-based digital asset manager, Valour, signifies a major push towards integrating the Core blockchain network into the sphere of conventional investment portfolios. Valour, operating under the larger umbrella of DeFi Technologies, is at the forefront of making digital assets more accessible and understandable for traditional investors.

What Makes CORE Stand Out?

In a world teeming with digital currencies and blockchain networks, CORE sets itself apart with its pioneering approach to staking. For years, Bitcoin enthusiasts have searched for effective ways to earn yield on their holdings without having to part with their BTC or wrap it into other tokens. Core Chain presents a solution that could potentially transform this landscape.

The platform reveals an unprecedented non-custodial BTC staking mechanism that leverages a unique consensus model dubbed Satoshi Plus. This model ingeniously combines Delegated Proof of Work (DPoW) and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), allowing Bitcoin holders to partake in the network’s consensus without relinquishing control over their assets.

Such innovative strides have already started bearing fruit. The amount of Bitcoin staked through Core's consensus mechanism has skyrocketed, surpassing the $200 million mark, a testament to the growing confidence and interest from the crypto community.

A New Avenue for Investors

The introduction of the CORE ETP on the Spotlight Stock Market is not just a win for Core but signifies a larger trend towards diversification and acceptance of crypto-based products in traditional finance. Following closely on the heels of the Velour Hedera ETP launch in Germany, it underscores a growing appetite among European investors for decentralized finance (DeFi) products.

This ETP offers a straightforward and regulated way for investors to gain exposure to the Core blockchain's native token, bypassing the complexities often associated with direct cryptocurrency investments. It's a significant development for institutions and individual investors alike, aiming to dip their toes into the world of crypto without having to navigate the intricate details of blockchain technology.

By deploying over $1.25 trillion in trapped Bitcoin liquidity, the Core blockchain aims to revolutionize how BTC holders can earn yields. Through block rewards and transaction fees, stakers can benefit from the network's EVM-Compatible smart contract protocol, unlocking new avenues for passive income.

Rapid Adoption and Stellar Performance

Since launching its mainnet in January 2023, Core has seen a surge in adoption, with over 18 million unique addresses and a staggering 256 million processed transactions. These figures are a clear indicator of the blockchain technology's robustness, efficiency, and the trust it has cultivated within the crypto community.

Core’s innovative approach to Bitcoin staking and its subsequent success in attracting significant staking pools and transactions highlight the potential of this blockchain to fundamentally alter how digital assets are held, used, and invested in.

In Summary

The Valour CORE ETP represents a significant milestone in the amalgamation of traditional finance and decentralized finance, offering a tangible, secure, and regulated vehicle for investing in one of the most promising digital assets today. It highlights the growing recognition and acceptance of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies within the mainstream financial sector, paving the way for more innovation, integration, and inclusivity in the investment world.

As the lines between traditional and digital finance continue to blur, the launch of the CORE ETP on the Spotlight Stock Market is a clear sign that we are moving towards a future where the two can coexist harmoniously, offering investors the best of both worlds.

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