Últimas notícias sobre criptografia, NFTs, Play-to-Earn e Web3, inovações em Blockchain

Leia diariamente: as últimas notícias sobre criptografia, NFTs, Web3, Blockchain e Play-to-Earn

Mantenha-se informado com as nossas notícias diárias de jogos! Descubra as últimas novidades em tecnologia blockchain, jogos para ganhar, NFTs, Web3 e jogos de metaverso, mantendo-o atualizado sobre as tendências de jogos criptográficos.
Ord.io's $2M Funding: New Digital Trading and Borrowing for Gamers and Bitcoin Enthusiasts

Ord.io's $2M Funding: New Digital Trading and Borrowing for Gamers and Bitcoin Enthusiasts

Ord.io, a Bitcoin gaming tool, has just raised $2 million to enhance its platform. This funding will allow gamers to collect and trade unique digital items securely on the Bitcoin blockchain. Moreover, the investment signifies strong interest from investors who believe in the fusion of Bitcoin and gaming. Alongside this, the rise of NFT lending on platforms like ArcadeXYZ shows a new financial trend. Gamers can now use their digital items as collateral for loans, providing financial flexibility without selling their virtual assets. This trend not only enriches the gaming experience but also introduces new financial opportunities within the gaming world. As Ord.io expands and the NFT lending market evolves, gamers are set to enjoy more interactive and financially rewarding gaming experiences. This development promises to revolutionize how gamers interact with and benefit from their digital collections.

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Weekly Gaming Roundup: Explore Aether's Treasure, Learn at Sandbox, Profit with Animoca and Play Fantasy Crypto

Weekly Gaming Roundup: Explore Aether's Treasure, Learn at Sandbox, Profit with Animoca and Play Fantasy Crypto

Dive into the latest gaming updates that are reshaping the industry. Aether Games unveils a thrilling $250,000 treasure in their new Cards of Eternity game, inviting players to claim their share through competitive matches and guild tournaments. Meanwhile, The Sandbox is launching global Builders Bootcamps, where creators can learn from top designers and potentially earn valuable in-game assets. Additionally, Animoca Brands showcases its robust financial growth, with assets now exceeding $2.7 billion, bolstering its position in the web3 and gaming sectors. Furthermore, the new Fantasy crypto trading card game on the Blast network is turning heads by integrating popular crypto influencers into its gameplay. These updates provide not just entertainment, but also opportunities for gamers to engage with cutting-edge gaming technology and financial investments. Explore these developments and more, as they offer a fresh perspective on the future of gaming for enthusiasts around the world.

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What’s Hot in Blockchain Gaming? Top 50 Games You Can't Miss in 2024

What’s Hot in Blockchain Gaming? Top 50 Games You Can't Miss in 2024

Dive into the thrilling world of blockchain gaming with our roundup of the top 50 games shaping the future. Explore popular titles like The Sandbox, where creativity meets monetization, and Alien Worlds, which offers an expansive universe for you to conquer and earn. Learn how these games utilize innovative blockchain technology to enhance gameplay and provide real economic benefits through NFTs and play-to-earn models. Whether you're building empires in virtual lands or battling in strategic card games like Gods Unchained, there's something here for everyone. Plus, find out why games like Splinterlands are making waves in the browser-based gaming scene. Join us to discover how these games are setting new standards in the gaming community and why they shouldn't be missed in 2024!

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Beyond the Game: How Phantom Galaxies Fuses NFTs with Classic Mech Gameplay

Beyond the Game: How Phantom Galaxies Fuses NFTs with Classic Mech Gameplay

Dive into the universe of Phantom Galaxies, a revolutionary game that blends thrilling mech combat with the innovative use of blockchain technology. As a player, you'll experience the excitement of piloting Starfighter Mechas that transform into robots for epic battles. Moreover, Phantom Galaxies introduces a unique twist with NFTs, giving you true ownership of in-game assets like spacecraft and weapons. This game sets itself apart by offering both action-packed gameplay and an opportunity to engage in a digital economy where you can trade and manage assets securely. The community aspect is vibrant, with options to join guilds, participate in governance, and shape the game's future. Accessible on mainstream platforms without the need for crypto knowledge, Phantom Galaxies is perfect for gamers looking to explore new frontiers in gaming. Step into this immersive world and claim your space in the next big thing in gaming!

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Play, Earn, Create: Exploring Bored Slot’s Crypto Slots and Sandbox’s New Creator Tools

Play, Earn, Create: Exploring Bored Slot’s Crypto Slots and Sandbox’s New Creator Tools

Dive into the future of gaming with Bored Slot and The Sandbox Game Maker 0.10. Bored Slot introduces an innovative gaming platform where players can earn digital tokens by playing slots integrated with Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs. Not only does it blend fun with earnings, but it also redefines online slot experiences. On the other hand, The Sandbox Game Maker 0.10 empowers aspiring creators with new tools and features. This update includes enhanced behaviors, components, and user-friendly game development tools that make building custom games more accessible. Whether you're looking to play unique NFT-integrated games or create your own gaming worlds, these platforms offer fresh, exciting opportunities. So, get ready to explore these cutting-edge gaming technologies that are setting new trends in the interactive digital space.

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April Launches: Voxie Tactics Hits Unity, Machines Arena Beta Expands to Android

April Launches: Voxie Tactics Hits Unity, Machines Arena Beta Expands to Android

Get ready to dive into the immersive worlds of Voxie Tactics and The Machines Arena this April! Voxie Tactics will debut on the Unity Engine on April 29th, promising enhanced graphics and smoother gameplay. As a pioneer on the Polygon PoS network, it integrates blockchain to offer true asset ownership through the Binance Launchpad, enhancing player engagement and economic involvement. Concurrently, The Machines Arena will launch its open beta on Android, bringing cross-platform play that allows seamless transitions from PC to mobile. This update introduces 'Familiars,' collectible companions that aid in battles, adding a layer of strategy. These games are not just advancing in terms of technology but are also setting new trends in the gaming community by making gameplay more accessible and economically rewarding. Join the fray and experience the future of gaming!

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What Gamers Need to Know: $MOCA Tokens, ZTX Blockchain Innovation, and SuiPlay0x1 Capabilities

What Gamers Need to Know: $MOCA Tokens, ZTX Blockchain Innovation, and SuiPlay0x1 Capabilities

Dive into the world of gaming innovation with our latest coverage on $MOCA Tokenomics, ZTX Blockchain Ecosystem, and the SuiPlay0x1 Device. Discover how $MOCA is setting a new standard in community engagement and governance through its strategic token distribution. Additionally, learn about ZTX's leap into blockchain with the Arbitrum Orbit technology, designed to enhance mobile gaming experiences on a large scale. Moreover, get a first look at the SuiPlay0x1, the upcoming handheld device that merges traditional gaming with blockchain capabilities, set for release in 2025. This device promises to support both crypto and classic PC games, offering a flexible gaming adventure. These developments are not just enhancing player interactions but are also shaping the future of gaming economics. For gamers looking to stay ahead of the curve, this article offers essential insights into the next big trends in the gaming industry.

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From Coins to Goals: UK's New Crypto Rules and UNKJD Soccer's Gameplay

From Coins to Goals: UK's New Crypto Rules and UNKJD Soccer's Gameplay

This article explores the latest updates in the UK's crypto regulations and the exciting new features of UNKJD Soccer. Firstly, the UK is set to introduce new laws by July 2024, aimed at enhancing the safety and transparency of crypto transactions. This move positions the UK as a potential leader in global cryptocurrency regulation. Secondly, UNKJD Soccer is rolling out innovative features like Ghost Ballers, Stars, and Skills & Skill Packs. These additions promise to enrich the gaming experience by allowing players to upgrade and customize their teams like never before. Moreover, the game will soon support a dynamic trading ecosystem, adding a strategic depth that encourages player interaction and investment. This summary gives gamers and tech enthusiasts a glimpse into significant trends shaping their interests and the digital landscape.

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Leading the Charge: OKX X Layer and UFO Gaming Set New Standards in Gaming Tech

Leading the Charge: OKX X Layer and UFO Gaming Set New Standards in Gaming Tech

Dive into the exciting world of gaming technology with our latest article, highlighting OKX's X Layer and UFO Gaming’s Super Galactic. Discover how OKX's X Layer, powered by Polygon's AggLayer, revolutionizes crypto transactions by speeding them up and reducing costs, making gaming more enjoyable for you. Furthermore, learn about Super Galactic’s play-to-earn model which lets gamers earn real rewards while playing in an immersive dark metaverse. This article also explores how community feedback shapes game development, leading to significant improvements in AI and gameplay mechanics. Additionally, we cover the security enhancements brought by zero-knowledge proofs in OKX's X Layer, ensuring your gaming transactions remain private and secure. This piece is perfect for gamers looking to stay informed on the cutting-edge technologies transforming their gaming experience

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Why Gamers Are Swarming to Bitcoin: Pump.Fun and Runestones' Role in the NFT and Memecoin Surge

Why Gamers Are Swarming to Bitcoin: Pump.Fun and Runestones' Role in the NFT and Memecoin Surge

Dive into the world of Bitcoin and gaming with Runestones and Pump.Fun, where NFTs and memecoins revolutionize how gamers interact with digital currencies. Firstly, Runestones introduces a unique collection of NFTs on the Bitcoin network, swiftly becoming a major player following their high-demand airdrop. Moreover, they’re set to distribute additional memecoins, enhancing the Bitcoin gaming landscape. On the other hand, Pump.Fun empowers gamers to easily create and trade their own memecoins, no tech skills needed. Furthermore, this platform ensures fair trading, preventing scams and fostering a secure environment. These innovations not only make digital currencies accessible but also add a layer of fun and profitability to gaming. Additionally, they open up new ways for gamers to engage with the financial aspects of cryptocurrencies. Explore these platforms and embrace the new wave of gaming and crypto integration!

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From Tech to Tokens: $PRIME and $GOG, The Rising Stars in Crypto Gaming

From Tech to Tokens: $PRIME and $GOG, The Rising Stars in Crypto Gaming

Dive into the thrilling world of gaming tokens with our latest article! Here, you'll discover the impressive growth of $PRIME token, which has more than doubled in value, showing its strong impact in the gaming finance sector. Meanwhile, $GOG token is also making waves among players, becoming a popular choice due to its rising market presence. Additionally, we explore Parallel Studios' strategic plans, having secured $35 million to innovate games that blend blockchain technology with engaging gameplay. This guide simplifies the complex market trends, explaining why these fluctuations matter to you as a gamer. Finally, get a sneak peek at the exciting future of gaming tokens and what new developments are on the horizon. Stay ahead in the game with our insightful analysis, perfect for gamers interested in the intersection of cryptocurrency and gaming.

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Seize Your Chance: Banksters' $100K NFT Drop and Nibiru's $15M Grant Details

Seize Your Chance: Banksters' $100K NFT Drop and Nibiru's $15M Grant Details

Dive into the latest gaming buzz with Banksters and Nibiru Chain leading the way! Banksters is set to revolutionize gaming by dropping $100K worth of unique NFTs to its top players. Through a dynamic contest running from April 3rd to April 17th, active gamers can win big before the official game launch. Meanwhile, the Nibiru Chain is empowering developers with a whopping $15 million grant program. This initiative supports innovative gaming projects, especially in Asia, boosting the use of blockchain technology in gaming. Both opportunities not only enhance the gaming experience but also educate players and developers about the potential of NFTs and blockchain. So, whether you're playing games or building them, these initiatives offer exciting new ways to engage with the digital world.

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Aavegotchi's Gotchiverse: Investing, Voting and Earning with GHST Tokens

Aavegotchi's Gotchiverse: Investing, Voting and Earning with GHST Tokens

Dive into the world of Aavegotchi, where gaming meets blockchain in an exciting blend of NFTs and community-driven experiences. This article unveils the innovative aspects of Aavegotchi, from rarity farming that allows gamers to enhance and compete with their digital avatars, to exploring the rich ecosystem of the Gotchiverse with its unique tokens like GHST and Gotchus Alchimica. Learn how GHST tokens aren't just for trading but also for staking and voting, adding a layer of strategy to your gameplay. Moreover, the introduction of Aavegotchi 3D promises an enriched gaming experience with advanced functionalities. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the world of NFTs, this guide provides all you need to start your adventure in Aavegotchi's dynamic universe, engage in mini-games, and navigate the Baazaar marketplace with ease.

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Virtual Economies and Blockchain RPGs: Play and Earn with Bezogia and Krypto Fighters

Virtual Economies and Blockchain RPGs: Play and Earn with Bezogia and Krypto Fighters

Dive into the revolutionary worlds of "Bezogia" and "Krypto Fighters," two trailblazing games that merge thrilling gameplay with the lucrative potential of blockchain technology. "Bezogia" offers an expansive MMORPG experience where players can explore mystical lands, build empires, and engage in dynamic quests, all while earning real-world value through the game's currency, $MBLK tokens. On the other hand, "Krypto Fighters" introduces a strategic 2D RPG battleground where tactics and skill determine your success and financial gains in various game modes including Adventure and Battle Arena. Both games are accessible on PC, iOS, and Android, allowing players to earn and enjoy seamlessly across different platforms. These games not only promise intense entertainment but also an opportunity to invest in your gameplay experience, making them a must-try for every gamer looking to step into the future of gaming. Perfect for those intrigued by the intersection of gaming and emerging tech trends.

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What Gamers Need to Know: Magic Eden’s Rise in NFTs and Xenna’s Extended Battles

What Gamers Need to Know: Magic Eden’s Rise in NFTs and Xenna’s Extended Battles

Dive into the latest gaming updates and NFT marketplace insights! Discover tournament requirements like the Tournament Access Card and Level 60 robots. Explore the exciting Life Surge mode and learn how player stats don't affect robot abilities. Delve into tournament rewards, including Epic Gadolinite resources and Sidus Heroes Module Economy Heroes. Uncover details about box unlocking after the Xenna Ark rollout and Magic Eden's performance metrics, including marketplace growth and transaction volumes. Learn about Ordinals trading volume and user preferences, plus the new features of Magic Eden's Multi-Chain Wallet. Get exclusive rewards like in-wallet NFT project mints and boosted odds for airdrops. Join us for a thrilling journey through the gaming universe, tailored for gamers, packed with insights and excitement!

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Os Impérios Medievais: Ertugrul - Revisão do Jogo

Os Impérios Medievais: Ertugrul - Revisão do Jogo

Medieval Empires: Ertugrul é um jogo baseado em história que permite aos jogadores vivenciar a vida e as aventuras de Ertugrul, um famoso rei turco. É um ótimo jogo para jogadores que gostam de uma jogabilidade envolvente e com tema histórico. Experimente a emoção da série de TV de sucesso Ertugrul de uma maneira totalmente nova com The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul, um jogo blockchain que dá vida à história do verdadeiro rei turco. Siga a origem do Império Otomano e jogue em uma jogabilidade envolvente e com tema histórico enquanto coleta e negocia tokens não fungíveis (NFTs). Não perca o fenômeno Ertugrul que conquistou o mundo - junte-se às fileiras de fãs dedicados e mergulhe no mundo emocionante de The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul. The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul dá vida à popular série de TV de uma maneira nova e emocionante, com Engin Altan reprisando seu papel como Ertugrul Gazi, o líder da tribo Kayi. O enredo do jogo segue a batalha épica entre Ertugrul e o rei Eduardo I da Inglaterra. Colete e troque tokens não fungíveis (NFTs) enquanto você viaja pela jogabilidade envolvente com tema histórico e vivencie você mesmo as emocionantes aventuras de Ertugrul. Junte-se às fileiras de fãs devotos e explore o mundo de The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul hoje mesmo. The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul Jogabilidade: The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul é um jogo que permite aos jogadores explorar um vasto mundo, liderar suas forças e construir um império. Os jogadores podem escolher fazer parte de uma das quatro tribos ou facções, incluindo a Tribo Kayi (Turca), os Cruzados Ingleses, as Hordas Mongóis e a Facção Misteriosa, que ainda não foi revelada. A jogabilidade envolve lutar e atacar outras facções para ganhar dinheiro e sair vitorioso. Junte-se às fileiras de fãs dedicados e experimente a emoção de construir um império em The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul. A construção de um império em The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul é um processo gradual que exige que os jogadores tenham forças bem equipadas e treinadas. Isto pode ser conseguido participando de várias campanhas e batalhas ao longo do jogo. À medida que os jogadores progridem e ganham experiência, eles serão capazes de atualizar suas forças e aumentar suas chances de sucesso no jogo.

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Genesis League Sports: jogo de futebol jogue para ganhar com NFTs

Genesis League Sports: jogo de futebol jogue para ganhar com NFTs

Genesis League Sports é uma plataforma baseada em blockchain que se concentra em jogos jogue para ganhar, com ênfase particular em jogos esportivos e NFTs. Em colaboração com a Major League Soccer Players Association (MLSPA), os criadores de Splinterlands desenvolveram Genesis League Goals, um jogo de estratégia dinâmico que utiliza NFTs, criptomoeda e blockchain Hive. Este jogo permite que os jogadores coletem cartas de jogador da MLSPA, construam equipes e participem de sessões de jogo frente a frente em ritmo acelerado, com foco em decisões estratégicas rápidas. Os jogadores podem aumentar o valor de seus NFTs atualizando as cartas dos jogadores usando equipamentos e componentes de habilidade, melhorando o desempenho da equipe. Genesis League Goals é centrado no futebol, permitindo que os fãs gerenciem times compostos por seus jogadores favoritos da MLSPA no formato NFT. A mecânica do jogo gira em torno de cartas, incluindo entidades de jogadores e treinadores, disponíveis como NFTs em pacotes compráveis. Equipamentos e cartas de habilidade podem ser ganhos como recompensas durante o jogo e podem ser usados para aumentar o valor das cartas através de um sistema de nivelamento progressivo. Os jogadores podem mesclar cartas duplicadas para acumular pontos de experiência (XP) e desbloquear novos slots de habilidades e equipamentos, aumentando as capacidades de suas cartas. As cartas também vêm em dois tipos de foil, não foil e ilustre folha de ouro, representando ativos raros no ecossistema do jogo. Genesis League Goals oferece várias opções de engajamento, incluindo coleta, aluguel, partidas classificadas, ligas e torneios. As partidas envolvem equipes comandadas por treinadores, compostas por cerca de 30 jogadores, sendo 7 titulares, até 5 suplentes e 10 reservas. As cartas de jogador possuem estatísticas derivadas do desempenho do jogador no mundo real, determinando seus atributos iniciais. As cartas de treinador fornecem impulsos no jogo, adicionando profundidade ao jogo. A característica única do jogo é a capacidade de atualização das cartas dos jogadores por meio de habilidades anexadas, incluindo habilidades passivas e ativas, o que aumenta a diversidade das cartas e o valor de mercado. O token do jogo para Genesis League Sports é $GLX, que desempenha um papel crucial na economia do jogo.

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O Farol - Revisão do Jogo

O Farol - Revisão do Jogo

The Beacon é um jogo roguelike de fantasia construído no Arbitrum Blockchain. Ele combina jogabilidade social estilo RPG e MMO com NFTs para criar uma experiência de jogo dinâmica. The Beacon é um jogo emocionante que combina RPG de ação e elementos roguelike para colocar os jogadores em um perigoso mundo de fantasia. The Beacon é um jogo roguelike com recursos como “morte permanente” e “níveis gerados processualmente”, que tornam cada jogada diferente e difícil. Os jogadores entram nas masmorras com uma arma escolhida e encontram atualizações ao longo do caminho. No entanto, essas atualizações são perdidas quando a masmorra termina, não importa quem consiga sair vivo. Como as masmorras estão sempre mudando, cada jornada é diferente, tornando-a uma experiência emocionante e difícil. O fato de os jogadores nunca saberem se voltarão ao seu porto seguro com seus equipamentos valiosos ou se perderão tudo em sua corajosa busca torna The Beacon mais interessante. Os jogadores no The Beacon podem participar de emocionantes corridas solo em masmorras para obter NFT, lutando contra monstros e passando por armadilhas. Eles também podem se juntar a amigos para uma exploração cooperativa de masmorras, onde compartilham itens e se divertem. O jogo incentiva a autoexpressão e a customização por meio de seu sistema de habitação, que permite aos jogadores decorar e exibir seu próprio estilo. Mesmo que o jogador ainda não tenha um personagem, ele ganha roupas padrão e uma casa no jogo com móveis básicos. À medida que seu personagem sobe de nível, você pode obter acesso a novos recursos, o que aumenta a profundidade geral do jogo. The Beacon é um jogo completo que você pode jogar de graça. Ele mostra às pessoas que nunca jogaram jogos blockchain o que são e quais são os benefícios da tecnologia web3.

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Play To Earn Games: Melhor Lista de Jogos Blockchain para NFTs e Cripto

Lista de Jogos Play-to-Earn
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