Últimas notícias sobre criptografia, NFTs, Play-to-Earn e Web3, inovações em Blockchain

Leia diariamente: as últimas notícias sobre criptografia, NFTs, Web3, Blockchain e Play-to-Earn

Mantenha-se informado com as nossas notícias diárias de jogos! Descubra as últimas novidades em tecnologia blockchain, jogos para ganhar, NFTs, Web3 e jogos de metaverso, mantendo-o atualizado sobre as tendências de jogos criptográficos.

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Axie Infinity Origins Season 7: Final Era and AXP in Homeland

Axie Infinity Origins Season 7: Final Era and AXP in Homeland

This comprehensive guide delves deep into the heart of Axie Infinity Origins Season 7 and the innovative introduction of AXP in Homeland, crafted with both newcomers and veteran players in mind. We embark on an exciting journey through the competitive climax of Season 7's Final Era, highlighting key strategies, leaderboard rewards, and the thrill of battle that awaits in the world of Lunacia. Alongside the competitive insights, the guide introduces AXP in Homeland, a game-changing feature that opens new avenues for Axie evolution and strategic gameplay. Through personal anecdotes, strategic tips, and a detailed glossary, this article is your all-encompassing companion to navigating the challenges and opportunities of Season 7. Whether you're aiming to climb the leaderboard, maximize your AXP earnings, or simply immerse yourself in the vibrant community of Axie Infinity, this guide is designed to enhance your gaming experience and inspire your journey through Lunacia.

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Axie Infinity Unveils Origins Pre-Season Balancing Patch with Parts Evolution System

Axie Infinity Unveils Origins Pre-Season Balancing Patch with Parts Evolution System

Sky Mavis has released the long-awaited pre-season balancing patch for Axie Infinity Origins, which includes the groundbreaking Parts Evolution system. This update includes strategic improvements, the return of popular axes, and changes to game dynamics for Season 7. Notable changes include an improved Blue Mirror effect and a higher PP cost for the Discount Coupon. Furthermore, Collectible axies receive significant increases in base HP, encouraging a variety of gameplay strategies.In the meantime, the Origins Shop offers players a second chance to obtain sought-after starter axes - Momo, Pomodoro, and Venoki - through specially curated packs. These packs, which cost 1000 Gems each, not only grant access to these exclusive axes but also include bonus Honor Medals and Class Badges, further enriching the gaming experience.Shifting gears, the Axie Infinity ecosystem reveals its top five minigames, further expanding the gaming portfolio. As a turn-based adventure, Axie Infinity Origins takes the lead, while Axie Infinity Homeland allows players to build and manage their game villages. Defenders of Lunacian Land offers skill upgrade combat, while Axie Classic introduces tactical card combat. The list is completed by Axie Infinity Raylight, which provides an enhanced gaming experience. These diverse minigames demonstrate the ecosystem's dedication to providing an engaging and diverse gaming experience within the blockchain-powered Axie universe.

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Fortune Slips, tecnologia Blockchain e um futuro brilhante: Axie Infinity mostra recursos

Fortune Slips, tecnologia Blockchain e um futuro brilhante: Axie Infinity mostra recursos

Sky Mavis, a mente criativa por trás do Axie Infinity, lançou dois recursos que mudarão o jogo. Esses recursos darão início a uma nova era nos jogos blockchain, o que será um grande avanço para a indústria de jogos. Este artigo analisa profundamente o quão complicadas são as mais novas adições do Axie Infinity: os inovadores Fortune Slips e o uso da tecnologia blockchain de ponta. Descubra mais sobre as pessoas, coisas e razões por trás dessas grandes mudanças enquanto aprendemos sobre a bênção de Atia, Fortune Slips, e sua parte na Axie Part Evolution. Com a ajuda de alguns pesquisadores, nossa análise investiga o blockchain, os contratos inteligentes e os tokens não fungíveis (NFTs) que alimentam o Axie Infinity e ajudaram na ascensão meteórica do jogo. Confira uma sessão completa de perguntas e respostas que explica como o jogo funciona e responde a perguntas importantes. À medida que acompanhamos a jornada do Axie Infinity, desde descobrir como lidar com questões de segurança cibernética até planejar o crescimento estratégico e novas maneiras de jogar, podemos ver como a empresa planeja se renovar agressivamente em 2023. Venha conosco enquanto analisamos os sucessos do Axie Infinity , lutas e um futuro que será moldado pela sua capacidade de adaptação e de apresentar novas ideias num mundo de jogos digitais que está sempre em mudança.

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NFTs da indústria de videogames; Ganhar dinheiro?

NFTs da indústria de videogames; Ganhar dinheiro?

NFT da indústria de videogames: uma mudança real ou apenas uma maneira de ganhar mais dinheiro? As indústrias de tecnologia e jogos têm se concentrado em NFTs e jogos blockchain nos últimos anos. Mas existem opiniões diferentes sobre o assunto na indústria de jogos. Alguns chamam isso de revolução e do futuro dos jogos. Outros não têm certeza e acham que é apenas mais uma forma de ganhar dinheiro. Além disso, jogadores e fãs disseram o que pensam sobre o problema e falam muito sobre isso.

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Best Crypto Games and P2E Game List 2024

Best Crypto Games and P2E Game List 2024

Get fun and rewards with our top 500 play-to-earn games 2024! Play exciting game titles that offer in-game assets like NFTs and Cryptos. Set out on a gaming adventure with our hand-picked list of the Top 10 Play-to-Earn Games! If you're sick of traditional games that give you little in return, these titles will change your gaming experience. Immerse yourself in a world where every moment of enjoyment is accompanied by valuable in-game rewards. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just getting started, these Play-to-Earn games offer an exciting blend of entertainment and monetary rewards. From strategic challenges to immersive simulations, each title on our list provides a distinct blend of gameplay and the chance to earn rewards while having fun. Don't pass up the opportunity to improve your gaming experience—explore our Play-to-Earn games and discover a new level of excitement where every move you make counts toward both enjoyment and valuable in-game prizes. It's time to change your game and reap the benefits!

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Play To Earn Games: Melhor Lista de Jogos Blockchain para NFTs e Cripto

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