Últimas notícias sobre criptografia, NFTs, Play-to-Earn e Web3, inovações em Blockchain

Leia diariamente: as últimas notícias sobre criptografia, NFTs, Web3, Blockchain e Play-to-Earn

Mantenha-se informado com as nossas notícias diárias de jogos! Descubra as últimas novidades em tecnologia blockchain, jogos para ganhar, NFTs, Web3 e jogos de metaverso, mantendo-o atualizado sobre as tendências de jogos criptográficos.

Marcação: Iluvio Além

Illuvium Unleashed: Dive Into NFT Gaming and Earn ILV

Illuvium Unleashed: Dive Into NFT Gaming and Earn ILV

Jump into the future of gaming with Illuvium, where fantasy meets blockchain in a universe packed with adventure. This article guides you through Illuvium’s world, showcasing its four main games: Arena, Overworld, Zero, and Beyond. Discover how each game offers unique experiences, from battling magical creatures to exploring vast landscapes and managing resources. Learn about collecting Illuvials, the game's creatures, and other cool NFTs that you can trade or keep. We dive into the ILV token, showing you how playing not only scores you points but also real digital cash. Plus, find out how your voice counts in the Illuvium DAO, where players help shape the game’s future. Ready for gasless transactions and eco-friendly gaming? Illuvium and Immutable X make it happen. Don't miss out on the action-packed, reward-filled universe of Illuvium, where your gaming skills pay off in more ways than one.

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Illuvium Zero Alpha: Gamer's Guide to Rewards, Strategy and NFT Airdrops

Illuvium Zero Alpha: Gamer's Guide to Rewards, Strategy and NFT Airdrops

Welcome to the ultimate guide for Illuvium Zero Alpha, a groundbreaking game that merges city-building with blockchain technology. This comprehensive guide, inspired by the empowering styles of Alex Hormozi and Oprah Winfrey, offers everything you need to know about starting your journey in Illuvium Zero Alpha, from downloading the game to maximizing your rewards. Discover the unique Tier-Adjusted Fuel Crates, designed to appreciate your investment and dedication with tailor-made NFT rewards. Learn how to qualify for exclusive NFT AirDrops, play on mobile, and understand what sets Illuvium Zero Alpha apart in the gaming world. Our FAQs and factsheet delve into game features, system requirements, and the reward system, ensuring you're well-prepared to build your empire. Join the Illuvium community to embark on an adventure where strategy, community engagement, and blockchain innovation meet, crafting a gaming experience that rewards your creativity and strategic planning.

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GameStop e Illuvium lançam 20.000 NFTs

GameStop e Illuvium lançam 20.000 NFTs

GameStop NFT lançará 20.000 NFTs em sua coleção inaugural em parceria com a Illuvium. Também promoverá o NFT Marketplace da GameStop. A GameStop voltou a ser notícia quando anunciou uma parceria estratégica com a Illuvium, uma plataforma baseada em Ethereum, para mudar a forma como os NFTs são promovidos e usados. Uma loja chamada GameStop, que vende bens de consumo, exibirá uma coleção de 20.000 NFTs em 12 de junho. A GameStop e a Illuvium já trabalharam juntas em outros projetos web3 antes. No ano passado, ambas as empresas trabalharam juntas para iniciar um programa de doações conjuntas de US$ 100 milhões para ajudar os criadores da web3 de uma forma que nunca havia sido feita antes.

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Illuvium e Illuvitars: coleção NFT

Illuvium e Illuvitars: coleção NFT

Illuvium anuncia mais um megaprojeto em seus jogos blockchain interoperáveis. Desta vez é Illuvium: Beyond que contará com uma aventura NFT personalizável. Esses NFTs personalizáveis são Illuvitars e sua janela de lançamento é 7 de março. Portanto, prepare-se para começar a montar seus NFTs Illuvitar exclusivos usando elementos raros.

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Best Crypto Games and P2E Game List 2024

Best Crypto Games and P2E Game List 2024

Get fun and rewards with our top 500 play-to-earn games 2024! Play exciting game titles that offer in-game assets like NFTs and Cryptos. Set out on a gaming adventure with our hand-picked list of the Top 10 Play-to-Earn Games! If you're sick of traditional games that give you little in return, these titles will change your gaming experience. Immerse yourself in a world where every moment of enjoyment is accompanied by valuable in-game rewards. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just getting started, these Play-to-Earn games offer an exciting blend of entertainment and monetary rewards. From strategic challenges to immersive simulations, each title on our list provides a distinct blend of gameplay and the chance to earn rewards while having fun. Don't pass up the opportunity to improve your gaming experience—explore our Play-to-Earn games and discover a new level of excitement where every move you make counts toward both enjoyment and valuable in-game prizes. It's time to change your game and reap the benefits!

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Play To Earn Games: Melhor Lista de Jogos Blockchain para NFTs e Cripto

Lista de Jogos Play-to-Earn
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