Alien Worlds - Revisão de videogame

Alien Worlds é um jogo de cartas NFT onde você explora novos planetas em busca de novas formas de vida. É uma maneira divertida de aprender sobre astronomia e exploração espacial. Sobre Alien Worlds, se você já foi um fã de viagens espaciais e sonhou acordado com missões intergalácticas, então este jogo NFT é para você. Este aplicativo acumulou mais de 3,3 milhões de usuários em questão de 5 meses após seu lançamento. Além disso, este “Defi Metaverse” é um jogo gratuito para todos os usuários, tudo o que você precisa fazer é criar uma carteira WAX Cloud, fazer login nos servidores e começar a jogar. Nos blockchains Ethereum, WAX e Binance Smart Chain, Alien Worlds é um metaverso centrado em NFT. Exploração e mineração são os temas principais do jogo. Ele permite que os jogadores possuam terras, lutem guerras com lacaios, reúnam ferramentas e avatares e ganhem criptomoedas .

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Angelic - Video Game Review

Angelic - Video Game Review

Angelic is a story NFT game that combines turn-based tactical battles with unique and colorful heroes. The game takes place in a sci-fi galactic setting with a focus on the narrative multiplayer strategy RPG. Moreover, the game is enhanced by the introduction of blockchain technology whilst providing powerful gameplay. Moreover, Angelic places equal focus on narration and turn-based RPG aspects

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Illuvium Overworld - Video Game Review

Illuvium Overworld - Video Game Review

Illuvium Overworld game takes inspiration from Pokemon, where you capture, collect, train, and battle your Illuvials. You can also explore its vanquished vast world to gather resources. In the game trilogy, Illuvium also sets a standard by being the world's first blockchain technology that can work with other systems. So, as a player, you will play and own in-game assets across multiple games.

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Prospectors - Video Game Review

Prospectors - Video Game Review

Prospectors is a one-of-a-kind MMO game of economic strategy, set in a 19th-century gold rush America. As a decentralized app on the EOS blockchain, it allows players to build a social network in an alternate reality version of the Gold Rush epoch. In the game, players scavenge for gold and trade it for real cash or cryptocurrency.

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Portal Fantasy - Video Game Review

Portal Fantasy - Video Game Review

Portal Fantasy is a unique role-playing game that combines elements of both traditional and blockchain gaming. Players can embark on a thrilling adventure and explore a pixelated world filled with magic and mystery. The game features an epic story line that immerses players in a rich and immersive experience. In addition to traditional gameplay mechanics, Portal Fantasy also utilizes blockchain technology to offer players the opportunity to earn rewards through in-game actions

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Supremacy - Video Game Review

Supremacy - Video Game Review

Supremacy has been in development for the past year by the Ninja Syndicate developers. It is a play-to-earn metaverse that offers various games in a battlefield mode. The game website also broadcasts the battle arena matches in real-time, allowing players to either participate or just watch the ongoing battle. Supremacy has partnered with Twitch to make this possible. Players can also own their own NFT mechs and earn SUPS tokens in return.

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Last Expedition - Video Game Review

Last Expedition - Video Game Review

Last Expedition is an upcoming AAA shooter blockchain-based warfare game set in the NFT universe. Unfortunately, the fans have to wait as the game has not announced any launch window. Moreover, there is not any news about the game's alpha or beta form, only the trailer is live on the official website so far. According to its makers, Last Expedition, is the world's first truly AAA first-person warfare game in which players are thrown into an uncharted terrain full of dangers.

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