Mirandus - Revisão de videogame

Mirandus é mais um projeto de destaque da Gala Games, que possui elementos de nível AAA. Este jogo é uma oferta única na indústria de jogos blockchain e mostra o talento e a habilidade excepcionais dos desenvolvedores da Gala Games. A equipe é conhecida por produzir projetos de jogos blockchain de alta qualidade e estabelecer parcerias para preencher a lacuna entre os jogos tradicionais e os jogos da Web 3.0. Mirandus é um título carro-chefe da Gala Games e é um inovador RPG online multijogador massivo com uma economia totalmente on-chain. Isso significa que itens do jogo, como magia, armas, saúde, alimentos, cosméticos e muito mais, existirão no blockchain e poderão ser interoperáveis com a economia do mundo real . Os jogadores também terão um grau significativo de controle e liberdade quando se trata de moldar o enredo e outros elementos, permitindo-lhes criar o seu próprio conteúdo exclusivo. O jogo compartilha semelhanças com o popular jogo tradicional Skyrim. Mirandus é um jogo blockchain MMORPG de mundo aberto que enfatiza a propriedade e o controle do jogador. Os jogadores terão a propriedade de itens do jogo e títulos de terra, o que lhes permitirá reivindicar partes da natureza como suas. No vasto mundo de Mirandus, cinco jogadores-monarcas dominam. Ao contrário de outros jogos com missões e mapas pré-determinados, Mirandus tem uma área selvagem aberta onde os jogadores são livres para explorar, lutar contra monstros escondidos na floresta e derrotar chefes de masmorras. O jogo permite que os jogadores moldem sua própria história e escolham seu caminho, seja ingressar na corte de um dos monarcas como cavaleiro ou conduzir negócios em uma das cinco cidadelas do reino.

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Top 5 Play to Earn Video Games Review

Top 5 Play to Earn Video Games Review

Check out top 5 play to earn blockchain NFT video game reviews here. We review 5 P2E games, so do watch our video game review here! And check our our discord server for more updates on new Play-To-Earn Games, the latest news and videos.

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Blankos Block Party - Video Game Review

Blankos Block Party - Video Game Review

Blankos Block Party (BBP) is the latest craze in the world of blockchain gaming. This massively multiplayer online (MMO) game lets players collect, customize, and showcase their very own non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in a vibrant and playful virtual world. One of the key features that sets "Blankos Block Party" apart from other games is its focus on fun.

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Goals - Video Game Review

Goals - Video Game Review

Goals is still under development and the development team hasn’t let out too much information about this blockchain game. But they have told us what we can expect and they promise that players will win based on skills, it will not be a pay-to-win football game like the certain football game we all know. It will be a proper platform to manage your club and earn real money. Let’s get into what we know about this crypto game.

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Defi Kingdoms - Video Game Review

Defi Kingdoms - Video Game Review

"Defi Kingdoms" (DFK) is a new role-playing game (RPG) that lets players create their own characters and battle against other players in real time. Set in a beautiful pixelated 8-bit world, Defi Kingdoms features mythical cards, castles, dungeons, and strategic gameplay that is sure to keep players engaged. The game is built on the Harmony network and uses a token called DEFI for all in-game transactions.

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Influence - Video Game Review

Influence - Video Game Review

Influence is based on a limited number of 250,000 NFT asteroids, each with its own set of resources and extra unique bonus rewards. Asteroid rights can be purchased or players can start for free on Adalia Prime. Once a player has decided where they want to play, they can begin mining, building, and refining the material that has been pulled up from beneath their asteroid's surface. Influence, which is based on the Ethereum blockchain, provides players complete control over their content

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Wam App - Video Game Review

Wam App - Video Game Review

The Wam App offers a collection of casual, easy-to-understand games that are perfect for players of all skill levels. These games, known as hyper-casual games, require minimal learning and can be picked up quickly, making them enjoyable for players with or without prior gaming experience. Let's start with our Wam App review.

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Play To Earn Games: Melhor Lista de Jogos Blockchain para NFTs e Cripto

Lista de Jogos Play-to-Earn
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