Últimas notícias sobre criptografia, NFTs, Play-to-Earn e Web3, inovações em Blockchain

Leia diariamente: as últimas notícias sobre criptografia, NFTs, Web3, Blockchain e Play-to-Earn

Mantenha-se informado com as nossas notícias diárias de jogos! Descubra as últimas novidades em tecnologia blockchain, jogos para ganhar, NFTs, Web3 e jogos de metaverso, mantendo-o atualizado sobre as tendências de jogos criptográficos.

Marcação: Investidores

How to Maximize Your Crypto Earnings in 2024

How to Maximize Your Crypto Earnings in 2024

Cryptocurrency has been a hot topic in the financial world for the past few years, with many investors seeing significant returns on their investments. However, with the constantly evolving landscape of the crypto market, it can be challenging to know how to maximize your earnings. In this article, we’ll explore some strategies for maximizing your crypto earnings in 2024. Before diving into specific strategies, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of the crypto market. Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual form of currency that uses blockchain technology for secure and decentralized transactions. Unlike traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies are not backed by a central authority, making them immune to government interference or manipulation. The crypto market is highly volatile, with prices fluctuating rapidly. This volatility can be both a blessing and a curse for investors. On one hand, it can lead to significant gains, but on the other hand, it can also result in significant losses. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of the market and its trends before investing.

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Criptografia ainda no limbo

Criptografia ainda no limbo

Apesar da criptografia estar à espreita no abismo, muitas instituições de investimento poderosas estão confiantes na criptografia e na Web3 e desejam incluir a criptomoeda em suas carteiras de investimento, leia mais.

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O que há com Blockchain e jogos?

O que há com Blockchain e jogos?

Tecnologia Blockchain e videogames, por que tanto alarido? As pessoas pararam de usar formas tradicionais de ganhar dinheiro porque jogos criptográficos, NFT e baseados em blockchain têm muito potencial. Hoje em dia, as palavras da moda no mundo da tecnologia são NFTs, criptomoeda, blockchain, DeFi e muito mais. E a indústria de videogames também acompanhou a tendência mais recente, assim como fez no passado com outras.

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Play Ventures investe US$ 75 milhões em tecnologia blockchain

Play Ventures investe US$ 75 milhões em tecnologia blockchain

A Play Ventures cria o Play Future Fund e investe US$ 75 milhões em jogos blockchain. Uma empresa de capital de risco de jogos chamada Play Ventures levantou US$ 75 milhões para um fundo de jogos blockchain chamado Play Future Fund. O fundo investirá dinheiro em projetos de startups de jogos blockchain e startups web3. A Play Ventures, com sede em Cingapura, investiu dinheiro em três empresas: Community Gaming, ReNFT e GuildFi. Todos os três projetos têm algo a ver com jogos blockchain, e Community Gaming está usando NFTs e blockchain para realizar um torneio.

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Best Crypto Games and P2E Game List 2024

Best Crypto Games and P2E Game List 2024

Get fun and rewards with our top 500 play-to-earn games 2024! Play exciting game titles that offer in-game assets like NFTs and Cryptos. Set out on a gaming adventure with our hand-picked list of the Top 10 Play-to-Earn Games! If you're sick of traditional games that give you little in return, these titles will change your gaming experience. Immerse yourself in a world where every moment of enjoyment is accompanied by valuable in-game rewards. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just getting started, these Play-to-Earn games offer an exciting blend of entertainment and monetary rewards. From strategic challenges to immersive simulations, each title on our list provides a distinct blend of gameplay and the chance to earn rewards while having fun. Don't pass up the opportunity to improve your gaming experience—explore our Play-to-Earn games and discover a new level of excitement where every move you make counts toward both enjoyment and valuable in-game prizes. It's time to change your game and reap the benefits!

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Play To Earn Games: Melhor Lista de Jogos Blockchain para NFTs e Cripto

Lista de Jogos Play-to-Earn
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